ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


One of the ways to improve colloidal stability and organoleptic properties of beer is to control polyphenol constituents in unhopped beer applying adsorption method with carbon sorbents, sorption progressing dynamically. The adsorption of polyphenol constituents from unhopped wort under dynamic conditions using carbonic sorbents has been studied in order to prove the possibility of using cheap carbon ABG and “Purolat Standard”. According to the obtained data, carbon sorbent “Purolat Standard” can be recommended for practical realization and designing the process of adsorption under dynamic conditions. The possibility of designing the process of content control of unhopped wort using carbon sorbent “Purolat Standard” has been proved experimentally. The calculation method for filter parameters and the modes of adsorption of polyphenol constituents from unhopped wort has been suggested. The method is based on the outward diffusion equation of adsorption dynamics for isothermal line using the Dubinin-Radushkevich adsorption constants and the kinetic analysis data. The efficient filter parameters and the modes of adsorption of polyphenol constituents from unhopped wort, which lead to the improvement of colloidal stability and organoleptic properties of beer, have been calculated. The method of waste sorbent “Purolat Standard” recovery after adsorption of polyphenol constituents from unhopped wort has been suggested. The dependence of filtration rate on initial content of polyphenol compounds in wort has been found out. The required equipment and the operational modes of the apparatus providing the improvement in beer quality by the control of polyphenol constituents in wort have been recommended.
Beer wort, polyphenol compounds, adsorption, quality
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