ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


At present, relevant is the task of providing the population with food which would ensure human requirements for vitamins, minerals and other biologically active components. Crop products including buckwheat, which is an important supplier of minerals and other nutrients, play an important role. The quality of grain wintered under snow is very different from grain harvested in autumn. Therefore, it is advisable to study quality indices of buckwheat harvested in spring and used to produce buckwheat cereals including a change in its mineral composition at the stage of heat treatment. The results of the research on mineral composition of the samples of grain harvested in spring after thawing of snow suggest that the dynamics of changes of cations and anions of the samples at different temperature processing is similar to such changes of ppm of cations and anions in the grain samples harvested in autumn. The largest deviations of cations and anions correspond to air mixture temperature ranging from 140°C when the heating temperature of samples is 70°C or higher. Quantitative estimation of changes of ppm of cations and anions shows that the maximum total change of the studied cations is observed in shells: the mass fraction increases by 1.4 times and amounts to 1.03%, the total change of anions is also observed in the shells: their mass fraction decreases 2.0 times and amounts to 0.11%. Perhaps these changes are associated with redox reactions which are accompanied by hydrolysis. It can be assumed that cations are more strongly bound than anions are and which are removed from the surface of the core and the shell during storage. It has been established that the mineral composition of the grain harvested in spring is not as rich as that in grain harvested in autumn.
Buckwheat grain, spring harvesting, autumn harvesting, cations, anions, temperature, mineral content, kernel, shell
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