ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The risk management process is based on the evaluation procedure that encourages authors to concentrate on the study of evaluation problems as the fundamental components of the risk management system. The key position within the risk system belongs to the credit risk having a complex nature, a wide range of effects, manifested in various forms of credit relations, acting as an autonomous object of research, and one of the structural elements of the situation of uncertainty. At the same time one of the forms of credit rela- tions of production are the relations between enterprises within the commercial lending resulting in receivables and payables. Rele-vant and important is the perspective of credit risk estimate the consequences of which are the possible critical areas of unfinished debt within the commodity-money relations in the industrial sector as well as an effective evaluation procedure at the stage of man- agement decision-making to prevent non-payment problem in the economy and, consequently, increase the level of quality of the enterprise debt. When studying the problem areas in the credit risk evaluation procedures three stages are identified: 1) the reduction of problems to a certain unity in the functional aspect i.e. their classification; 2) combining the individual problems in holistic essen- tial groups i.e. problem structuring; 3) the reconciliation, bringing separate challenges to the uniformity i.e. their unification. Based on the research results, it can be confirmed that the problem areas in credit risk estimate are monitored by certain vectors: terminolo- gy sector; the legislative framework; information material; economic forces; methodological technology.
Risk, credit risk, risk estimate, commercial lending, creditworthiness, receivables, payables, problem
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