ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


One of the main directions in the development of economy of any country is agricultural industry. In Russia, the number of agricultural enterprises reaches 30% of the total number of enterprises of the country. Under the conditions of the world crisis, a large number of agricultural enterprises in our country are to be closed down because of lack of prospects for further managing in the sphere of agricultural production. The article deals with the main methods and approaches to carrying out the restructuring of agricultural manufactures, which could take them to a new level of development and help them to become profitable. The authors consider all types of the economic analysis directly preceding the creation of the restructuring program in detail and pay much attention to various possible options of reforming for identification of the most optimum one for further development of agricultural enterprises. A complex of actions for restructuring of the agro-industrial enterprises is a key factor beneficially effecting both a financial-and- economic situation of a separately taken enterprise, and intensification of the process of reforming of the Kemerovo region economy in general. At the same time, there is a dependence of the results of the region economy development on successful restructuring.
Reforming, restructuring options, analysis, crisis, efficiency, agricultural enterprise
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