ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


In Russia, diabetes is a serious problem for human life and society. Persons diagnosed with diabetes and persons with predis- position to this disease belong to a socially significant group of people; therefore the maintenance of their health and performance capa- bility is a relevant and timely issue. The aim of this research is to study consumer preferences of diabetic patients to innovative beverages for carbohydrate metabolism improvement. The article presents the results of a sociological survey of persons with carbohydrate metabo- lism disorders. It is stated that the majority of respondents are type 2 diabetics. Diabetes is prevalent for individuals in the age range of 36-54 years old (36%), 26-35 years old (about 25%) and over 55 years old (29%). In each age group diabetes is increasingly common among females. By regularity of consumption of beverages 25.3% of the respondents consume them on a daily basis, 51 % - once a week. As far as beverages are concerned, respondents prefer juices and nectars (28.7%), tea beverages (21.7%) and non-carbonated soft drinks (17%). The main criteria for the selection of beverages are taste and aroma, composition and cost. The majority of respondents know what enriched beverages mean. More than 80% of respondents are willing to use enriched beverages based on natural raw materi- als. It has been revealed that of fruit raw material with a low glycemic index the largest number of respondents prefer apricots (38%) and cherry (29%). The most preferable plant materials are the chicory and Jerusalem artichoke, stevia and burdock. On the basis of the con- ducted research it is established that the creation of innovative beverages for carbohydrate metabolism improvement is promising.
Respondents, beverages for diabetic patients, diabetes, questionnaire, consumer preferences
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