ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Biochemical and pharmacological characteristic of active principle components of "Oleopren Neuro" biologically active additives (BAA) is given. This created a base for establishing a quantitative, qualitative composition of the specialized product and functional properties for preventing and improvement of nervous system metabolic disorders. Organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological tests of studied samples have been carried out. Regulated quality factors and nutritional value have been established. A capsule contains: 3.75 mg (2.6 - 4.9) of vitamin E; no less than 5.0 mg of polyprenols; no less than 14.5 mg of acetone soluble substances (phosphatidyleserine and phosphatide acid). Possible mechanisms of influence of dolichols on metabolic status of the organism have been considered. Among them are: regeneration of cell membranes, glycosylation in the dolicholphosphate cycle in the synthesis of glycoproteins; maintenance of immune status, immunoglobulin transportation, induction of interferon, neutrophil generation and activation of macrophages of the reticulaendothelial system; cholesterol lowering; absorption of lipid peroxide, energy metabolism improvement, oxidative phosphorylation, activation of mitochondria function. Functional properties of dietary supplements are confirmed by the results of clinical trials on patients with circulatory encephalopathy of vascular genesis. Specialized product can be also recommended under adverse environmental effects, physical inactivity, increased psycho-emotional stress, stressful situations.
Dietary supplements, prescription composition, functional properties, quality, safety, regulated factors, nutritional value
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