ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The technology of producing the whole muscle product from pork enriched with bioavailable forms of iodine and selenium has been developed. The objects of the research are the meat product and seeds of lentil, pregerminated in solutions of potassium iodide and sodium selenit for enrichment with iodine and selenium. Germinated seeds of lentil are subjected to extruding then milled into flour and hydrated for convenience of introduction at the stage of salting. The use of “Glimalask” nutritional supplement allowsus to lower a mass fraction of diazotizing salt in a finished product more than twice and, at the same time, to keep the uniform pink coloring of the baked meat product. The developed way of combining meat and vegetable components makes it possible to obtain the enriched product aimed at providing a modern person’s diet with minerals and food fibers. The enrichment of food with vegetable components in a hydrated form in amount of 15% enables meeting the daily requirement for iodine and selenium by 16.8% and 36.1%, respectively. The use of the emulsion made of flour of extruded seeds of lentil and water increases the content of a mass fraction of protein in a finished product by 1.1%, and reduces the content of a mass fraction of fat by 4.21%. The introduction of vegetable components enriches the meat product with minerals without worsening organoleptic indices of the finished product.
Selenium, iodine, pork, potassium iodide, sodium selenit, diazotizing salt, lentil extrudate
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