ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 12, Issue 1, 2009

Work is devoted research of possibility of use perspective for bread making raw materials - the amaranth albuminous flour possessing a valuable chemical compound, food and biological value. During experimental researches it is established, that entering амарантовой torments promotes improvement of quality of baking flour and yeast, half-finished products, finished goods, food and biological value of bread.
Are studied structure and properties fermental hydrolisate in the course of drying. The moisture mass fraction in a process current is investigated, dependence of diameter of dry particles hydrolisate dairy fibers from temperature, a mass fraction of solids in a solution and frequencies of rotation spray a disk is defined. It is studied aminoacide structure. Relative distribution of dry particles on linear diameter in cyclonic and tower fractions of samples is noted. Enzymetive hydrolisate dairy fibers, drying, aminoacide structure.
It's been investigated the opportunity of increasing of spreds' antioxidative stability as in storage process as in roasting by optimization of fatty-acid composition of their fat base. The literary data have been analyzed due to which it's been possible to develop a criterion for quantitative estimate of antioxidant stability named by oxidant number. On the base of test data it's been defined an optimal oxidation number for fatty base. With help of the calculated method a fatty-acid composition of fatty base has been defined allowed to get a product with a required oxidation number. It's been developed an antioxidative complex on the base of natural components of natural origin increasing antioxidant stability. There were constructed several fatty-acid composition of which would bring near ratio of fatty acid to the product described above.
The cumulative result of technological adequacy of soy protein isolates suggest that the use of technology combined food meat of the most promising for the production of cruched meat products. In this case, will be provided with high quality of products while saving raw meat. Our data clearly demonstrate that the new product obtained from vegetable raw materials, promising as a component of meat products. These results enabled a comprehensive approach to assessing the adequacy of the technological protein supplements on the basis of plant material and make a conclusion about the possibility of its use of technology comminuted meat products, and products a long shelf life.
The opportunity of shrot use from seeds of a pumpkin is investigated by manufacture of bakery products of the raised food and biological value. Experimental data are presented in the form of the table and the diagram. Influence шрота from seeds of a pumpkin on baking properties of wheat flour and quality of finished goods is established. The technology of preparation of the wheaten test with use шрота from seeds of a pumpkin is fulfilled, the optimum dosage and an optimum way of its entering are established, and also influence шрота from seeds of a pumpkin on food value of bread is investigated.
In article data on influence of products of processing of hop (emulsion of the СО-extract hop`s and a water extract of the granulated hop), on growth, reproduction and biotechnological properties of baking yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are resulted.
The membrane equipment classification based on the concentrated polarization using is offered. Some constructions of the membrane modules are considered. The comparative estimation of these modules is carried out.
Are studied structure and properties of dairy whey in process kontsentri-rovanija by the return osmosis. Are investigated viscosity characteristics syvorotki. Dependences of effective viscosity of ultrafiltrational concentrates with a various mass fraction of solids are chosen. Fraction the structure whey fibers of ultra filtrates is studied.
It is established that to increase the food value of mushrooms is possible by drying in the regime of explosive auto-hydrolysis, in the version of vacuum-pulse method at a temperature of 55˚С. The results of studies regarding the changes in the mushrooms composition with the use of vacuum-pulse drying are given. The positive influence of vacuum-pulse drying on the adsorptive and microbiological properties of mushrooms is discovered.
The process of freezing of the Siberian fruits and berries is investigated. The duration of freezing of berries of a black currant is determined at natural convection at various temperatures and in a layer of berries of various thickness. The constructive circuit and circuit cold-supply developed by us two-zoned the flyidisation quickly freezing device is given. The duration of freezing of berries in it quickly freezing device is determined at various modes of its job. The speeds of freezing of berries are determined under various conditions of freezing.
Composition and quantitative correlation of microorganisms in gastrointestinal tract, on skin and human oral cavity are analyzed. The main reasons of dysbacteriosis are showed. New formula of biologically active complex «Probinorm» for dysbacteriosis and skin diseases prevention produced by gut organisms changes as acne is offered.
Possibility of production of wares of cakes is shown without sugar with addition of natural podslastitelya - steviozida and food fibres of Kametsel'. The optimum dosages of additions and their influence are certain on basic properties of consumers of the finished products.
Diabetes (D) - a widespread disease caused in the definition of the degree of malnutrition. Research has been conducted according to the quality of life of patients with D from the stereotypes of food behavior, including diet. Shown the importance of teaching patients with SD principles of healthy eating.
Grounds optimum term and period storage tinned food pickled mushrooms from consideration change them chemical compound, microbiology indicator and toksiсоlogy safety
The modern level of knowledge about meat and vegetable raw material structure allows creating new technologies for the production of combined products corresponding to certain purposes. The present research work is dedicated to the development of processing technologies for meat-based products with functional properties for people predisposed to or suffering from iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), which is considered one of the most widespread diseases, both in the world and in Russia. The daily diet as well as particularly designed functional food products provide the vital substances that prevent or balance the deficiency, improve physiological processes of an organism, increase the resistance to diseases, and help to support an active way of life. All these criteria play an important role in the prevention of this disease.
In the given work the opportunity of application of a method of the accelerated ageing under influence of the raised temperatures for forecasting working lives of again created multicomponent soft drinks - balms which basis are extracts of food and aromatic plants of Altai is shown.
Microfiltration is the most effective method for the reduction of raw milk microbial contamination. Till recently the mentioned technology has not been implemented in our country due to high cost of foreign equipment and lack of inherent research works related to the evaluation of its efficacy based on the native raw materials utilization. The joint investigations of GNU VNIMI and «ELEVAR» company carried on using of ceramic membrane showed that microfiltrated skimmilk can be stored 20 days, milk subjected to extra pasteurization - 40 days. At that microfiltration enables to preserve the maximum amount of proteins and other valuable components in milk.
The data about amino acids structure of protein isolate from sunflower shrot is presented. Influence of various dosages the protein isolate from sunflower shrot on amino acids structure of bread of wheaten and rye grades is investigated.
Basing on analysis of experimental data the model defining contribution of calcium ions into colloid stability of casein micelles in milk is proposed. The algorithm is developed for quantitative calculation of the beginning of flocculation in the micellar system.
In clause the results of research work on study of ability caseic phosphopeptides to solubilize ferrous iron in concentrate of propionate bacteria. Optimum process parameters of excreting of caseic phosphopeptides were determined. It was proved that they have hight ability to solubilize ferrous iron. There was established the interplay be-tween Fe-percentage and solubilization level. It was noted that Fe chelated with caseic phosphopep-tides persists in the bivalent form during a long period of storage.
It established that red and black Bergenia Crassifolia Fritsch leaves, seeds and leaves of Hippophae rhamnoides are perspective sources of antioxidants.
Process of a fermentation of components of milk in connection with possibility their use in technology of dairy drinks is studied. Are investigated qualitative harakte-ristiki lactose fermentations, changes of carbohydrates in milk are established. It is chosen spo-sob processings of dairy carbohydrates in connection with its use in technology of dairy drinks. The quantitative structure of organic acids in process fer-mentativnogo lactose hydrolysis is in detail studied.
The condition of prospect of development of the alcoholic market of Russia in a cut of its influence on indicators of a standard of living of the population is investigated. Results of the analysis allow to formulate a conclusion about inadequacy of a national alcoholic policy and necessity of its urgent modernization according to the saved up experience of foreign countries in the decision of the given social problem.
Theoretical and practical aspects of planning and management of a processing enterprise on the budgeting base are cosidered. The concepts of «budget» and «budgeting» are made more explicit, the classification of budgets for processing enterprises is improved.
On the basis of a significant amount of an actual material it is established, that formula of Balling applied to calculation origin extract of has a regular unilateral error. It is established, that the estimation origin extract carried out under formula of Balling leads to reception of regularly overestimated values, and with increase origin extract the error increases. The new formulas allowing statistically authentically to estimate origin extract on concentration of spirit and the valid extract in beer are offered.
The mechanism of granulation instantirovannyh polydisperse products in plate granulator with the activator. Formed graph states polydisperse material in which it is in the process of granulation. A mathematical model of the process, representing the two systems of linear differential equations of Kolmogorov and a set of equations linking the intensity of the transition komkuemogo material from one state to another with its moisture content, rate komkuemosti, design and operational parameters granulator.
The concept of presenting information models of technological blocks providing the necessary quality indexes of food production machines and apparatuses has been considered in this article with the account of the maintenance conditions including safety and resource saving as virtual convex polyhedrons.