ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Use of shrot from seeds of a pumpkin in bread baking

The opportunity of shrot use from seeds of a pumpkin is investigated by manufacture of bakery products of the raised food and biological value. Experimental data are presented in the form of the table and the diagram. Influence шрота from seeds of a pumpkin on baking properties of wheat flour and quality of finished goods is established. The technology of preparation of the wheaten test with use шрота from seeds of a pumpkin is fulfilled, the optimum dosage and an optimum way of its entering are established, and also influence шрота from seeds of a pumpkin on food value of bread is investigated.
Simeon of a pumpkin, shrot, a chemical compound, technology, bakery products, quality, food value
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