ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Assessement of the organization the schoolchildren's feeding in the Prokopievsk region

The given article describes catering services for children in 20 schools of the Prokopievsk region. The object of research were 10 calendar days. The data on food value of sсhool breakfasts (power value, the maintenance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates) have been received by a settlement method. The obtained data were analyzed and compared to standard documents.
Ration feeding, food value, actual feeding, deficiency, caloric content, balanced diet, the maintenance nutrient
  1. Химический состав российских пищевых продуктов: Справочник / Под. ред. член-корр. МАИ, проф. И.М. Скурихина и академика РАМН, проф. В.А. Тутельяна. - М.: ДеЛи принт, 2002. - 236 с.
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