ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

The methods for the analysis of mixture-producing processes in time-frequency space

This paper illustrates the application of methods for the analysis of mixture-producing processes in time-frequency space. It also presents a detailed description, apart from traditional methods of frequency analyses using an analyzing window (ordinary and short-time Fourier transforms), of the continuous wavelet transform and especially so-called wavelet matching pursuit (also known as the adaptive wavelet approximation). Adapted for the specific purpose of reconstructing the flow signal of a material component from a dozer or the resulting signal of a multi-component dozing block, the matching pursuit technique has a number of specific peculiarities such as the presence necessity of redundant time-frequency dictionaries that contain wavelet functions; the adaptability of such an approximation both over a lapsed time and a primary signal structure, and the iterative procedure of selecting certain atoms from a dictionary. The practical manner in which these specific features are implemented and the mathematical techniques used for signal analysis should prove applicable to a wide variety of mixture-producing problems.
Mixture-producing process, Fourier transform, time-frequency distribution, wavelet transform, Gabor function, matching pursuit, Wigner distribution
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