ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Phylogenetic analysis of type strains of fungi Roqueforti, Camemberti genus Penicillium

The diversity in the structure of the sequence of 5.8, 18, 28S rRNA intergenic region (internal transcribed spacer or ITS-region) from various representatives of the genus for revealing intraspecific variation in sequences of these genes and the possibility of using the results of this study with Molecular identification of closely related species of this genus. The objects of this study were the nucleotide sequences of 5.8, 18, 28S rRNA intergenic region 7 of the type strains of , deposited in a database of NCBI. Multiple alignment of sequences and construction of phylogenetic tree conducted in the program ClustalW ( ).
Soft cheeses, mold species , strain, phylogenetic analysis, nucleotide sequences of genes 5.8, 18, 28S rRNA ITS-region
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