ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The work is devoted to the research on the kinetics of refrigeration processing of cattle blood. Experiments on freezing and defrosting of the cattle blood have been done at various thickness of the sample layer. On the basis of the carried-out researches the graphs of temperature dependence against time in the center of the sample have been plotted. The given temperature curves of blood freezing and defrosting are divided into three stages. The duration of each of the stages depending on the thickness of the studied sample has been established. According to the graphs plotted the cryoscopic blood temperature has been established. The polynomial equations of the second and the third degrees describing the behavior of the temperature curves at various stages of refrigeration processing of cattle blood have been obtained by means of mathematical analysis.
Blood, freezing, temperature curves, cryoscopic temperature, mathematical modeling
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