ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Presents the results of determining the presence synthetic colorants Tartrazine (E102), Quinoline Yellow WS (E104), a Sunset Yellow FCF (E110), Azorubine (E122), Ponceau 4R (E124), a Allura red AC (E129), Indigo carmine (E132), Brilliant Blue FCF (E133) in lemonades and juices, using new variant of of thin-layer chromatography - microcolumn liquid-adsorption chromatography with densitometric detection zonessorbate in the sorbent layer. Suggested method had advantages compared to traditional TLC: shorter analysis time, higher reproducibility of retention parameters, high efficiency, higher separation of peaks, low consumption of eluent and adsorbent, absence of chromatographic chambers.
Juice, lemonade, a synthetic colour, microcolumn thin-layer chromatography
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