ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Four varieties of tomatoes (red - Rychansky, pink - Starrose F1, yellow - the Shining sphere, black - the Black prince), two varieties of pepper (red the Gift of Moldova, yellow Yaroslav), two varieties of carrots (Rogneda, Shantene) and two varieties of a pumpkin (Volga gray 92, Vitamin), harvested on the territory of the Samara region were studied. The content of soluble solids, the mass fraction of the acids and reducing sugars, the content of phenolic substances, flavonoids, and β-carotene, and also strength restoring antiradical and antioxidant activity were defined. It is shown that the given indicators considerably differ depending on the vegetables variety.
Tomatoes, pepper, carrots, pumpkin, physico-chemical indicators, antioxidant activity
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