ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


A survey of Chelyabinsk residents to study their preferences for confectionery is carried out. It is established that a significant proportion of the population gets cookies, cakes, candies, caramel which can be viewed as objects to enrich the diets with vitamins and mineral components. The main factors when choosing products are shelf-life, cost and appearance of goods, as well as the manufacturer belonging to a brand company. However, more than half of Chelyabinsk residents do not know anything about the benefits from the use of confectionery. Every fourth citizen does not see any health benefits from eating sweets. The research results can serve as a fundamental component for the development of medium- and long-term re-gional policy in the field of functional confectionery. In order to make the enriched pastry goods find their customers and have their niche in the market it is necessary to strengthen the education and raise the awareness of the population.
Consumer preferences, confectionery, enriched foods.
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