ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The influence of heat treatment on the mineral composition of buckwheat grain, core and shell is studied. It is shown that the temperature change the content of cations and anions in the grain, kernel and shell is changed. This is probably due to the fact that temperature processing breaks the chemical bonds between mineral elements, on the one hand, and proteins, carbohydrates, fats, enzymes - on the other. Minerals as a result, become easily soluble substances and become more accessible to assimilate. When comparing the dynamics of changes in the cations’ mass fraction it is revealed that the maximum change in the investigated cations takes place in the shells and their mass fraction increases 1.5 times. Analyzing the dynamics of changing the anions’ mass fraction one can come to conclusion that the concentration remains practically unchanged, except for the anions of phosphorus. Their changes may be due to denaturation of proteins and starch gelatinization, which leads to a sharp change of solubility, the maximum change of anions occurring in the membranes, their mass fraction decreased 4.8 times. Concentrations of major cations and anions in the corn of buckwheat, its kernel and shell are identified before and after heat treatment, gas-air mixture temperature being from 80 to 200 oC, the temperature of grain heating being 40-100 oC. It is shown that when the temperature of processing changes, the mass fraction of cations and anions, both in the grain and in the kernel and shell changes, too. The greatest deviation of the mass fraction of mineral substances corresponds to the processing temperature, starting from 140 oC and more, the temperature of the samples changing in the range from 70 to 100 oC. Possible mass fraction changes at these temperatures occur due to the breaking of the chemical bonds between mineral elements caused by thermal treatment.
Cations, anions, minerals, temperature, grain, kernel, shell
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