ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The involvement of raw materials of plant origin in the turnover of foods and the development of optimal methods of their processing can solve the main problems of the food industry in the supply of population with functional foods. In this research the comparative evaluation of the quality of semi-finished goods from bio-activated wheat and products on their basis has been performed, their organoleptic, physical and chemical characteristics, the intensity of the carbohydrate breakdown and the change of sugar level in blood after bread consumption, protein digestibility of the crumb, microbiological indices have been studied. It has been established that "Ecohmel" and "Elite" breads have the best organoleptic, physical and chemical characteristics due to the properties of the additional raw materials (hop composition and wheat germ cake flour). The higher glycemic index has been observed in the product from wheat germ cake flour because of its chemical composition. The "Luchik" bread had the lowest protein digestibility of the crumb. Samples based on yeast prepared with hop composition had a large microbiological purity because of the antibacterial properties of hop introduced at the stage of preparation of thick yeast, which also contains lactic and acetic acids which have bacteriostatic and fungicidal effects. The calculation results of the chemical composition, energy value and the degree of satisfaction of daily norms of various substances have shown that all products are rich in minerals and vitamins. Introduction of wheat germ cake flour contributed to further increase of the biological value of grain bread through the complete amino acid composition of the contained proteins. These studies form the basis for the development of technology expanding the range of products of high nutritional value from bio-activated wheat.
Bio-activated wheat, hop composition, wheat germ cake flour, bread, quality indices, glycemic index
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