ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


To intensify the brewing industry it has been proposed to use new highly effective equipment that increases productivity by saving raw materials, lowing energy costs and reducing the duration of manufacture of the final product. For this purpose the following stages in brewing are distinguished - mashing, fermentation and afterfermentation. Mashing is an extraction process, a rotary-pulsation apparatus being proposed for application in this process. When operating this unit the following processes occur: intensive turbulent flows, hydrodynamic micro flows, oscillation of material particles in the places of friction, cavitation. Beer is a product of the yeast biochemical activity. The method of yeast activation in a rotor-pulsation apparatus that uses processes of cavitation, aeration and temperature rise has been studied. The use of whey and wort syrup has been proposed as a protective function for the yeast cell walls from the rigid mechanical action. The aim of this research is to study the intensification methods of mashing, fermentation and afterfermentation when using a rotor-pulsation apparatus. The experiments have proved the effectiveness of using the apparatus during mashing, the period of wort syrup formation being 10 - 15 minutes. It has been proved that yeast treatment in the rotor-pulsation apparatus together with yeast food has a positive effect on the physiological and biochemical properties of the culture. This yeast activation method enables to reduce the fermentation period of wort syrup by 1.5 days. The optimal technical characteristics of the apparatus have been determined. Physical and chemical, and organoleptic indices of the finished beer brewed from control samples have been estimated as good. This study shows the benefits of using a rotor-pulsation apparatus for the brewing industry and its application in other industries.
Extraction, intensification, rotary-pulsation apparatus, brewery, mashing, activation of yeast
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