ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Currently, the world market of food production is aimed at implementing the concept of a healthy lifestyle. Foods are regarded not only as means of biological existence but also as indications of lifestyle, enhancers of positive emotions, stimulators of health and longevity. Fruit raw materials play an important role in a healthy diet of the population reducing the deficiency of vital nutrients, and act as an effective instrument in prevention of a number of common diseases. Food industry is in a crisis, in particular, because of strong dependence on foreign supplies of raw materials used in the manufacturing process. At the same time, the home resource base enables to fully satisfy the consumers’ requirements and producers’ needs. In order to use local “renetka” wild apples for direct consumption and food manufacture their technological suitability as well as their commercial quality in relation to the requirements of the legal documentation have been studied. Scientific novelty of the research manifests itself in comprehensive studies of commercial properties of the raw material and its processability. Conventional and special organoleptic and physico-chemical methods were used when solving the tasks. It has been established that the investigated fruits meet the requirements of the 1st grade of RSFSR 657. The taste score of investigated fruits is 3.2 points. The suitability of the apples for the production of fruit juice according to the norms of GOST R 52185 has been determined. The taste score of juice manufactured from the fruits studied is 4.1 points. The conducted research and the obtained results are of theoretical and practical interest to postgraduate students and food engineers.
Apples, commercial quality, quality factors, juice, technological suitability
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