ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Methods of formalizing material flows created in certain knots of structure-and-functional diagram of the mixture producing aggregate are considered, that are founded on transforming one-dimensional initial flow signals into multi-dimensional ones. The approach developed and described is targeted to create the computer-aided system for controlling a technological plant within a so-called wavelet medium. Dosing processes in mixture producing aggregates for receiving dry dispersed compositions of various kinds are considered as a research plant. The subject research field includes digital methods for controlling a technological plant based on the so-called quadratic feedbacks. The latter are formed on the basis of wavelet transforms and time-frequency distributions. The vector computer-aided system for controlling a mixture producing aggregate in a wavelet medium is worked out. As the basic information factors giving the possibility to efficiently analyze current performance regimes of mixture producing equipment (the latter is considered as the example to demonstrate the above method of computer-aided controlling the plants of various type in a wavelet medium) Cohen's class time-frequency distributions are used. The feedbacks based on those distributions are also presented here. The results of digital simulation of the multi-component block dosing processes in the system with feedbacks over multi-dimensional localized variables that are introduced in the form of time-frequency distributions are presented. The Wigner time-frequency distribution is chosen as the main instrument to analyze in a wavelet medium processes of monitoring and identifying performance dosing regimes in the mixture producing aggregate. The distribution is able to present in the most optimal form different singularities of multidosing processes and with its help to control their dynamics. It should be noted that the optimal form of this distribution is determined with further steps as to a received Wigner image processing procedure - here we mean the so-called FMS-map, i.e. the flow modified signal map. All this enables to simultaneously realize both control functions and continuous visual monitoring the current aggregate performance regimes which, in turn, make the semantic base of the control procedure more informative.
Wavelet-function, time-frequency atom, Cohen class distributions, Gabor wavelet, Wigner distribution
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