ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Studying the role of nutrition factor in the prevention of occupation-related diseases is one of the main directions of modern science of nutrition. This paper presents experimental studies evaluating the effectiveness of the «Golden bal» enriched drink in the correc- tion of metabolic disorders under fluoride intoxication. The chronic influence of fluoride on the body of animals - albino rats of Wistar line - caused the increase of the content of fluoride, calcium, phosphorus in the urine and C-concentrated telopeptides - par- tiresmo hormone, osteocalcin and products of lipid peroxidation (with isolated double bonds, ketodienes and trienes, diene conju- gates) in blood. Cytochemical activity of respiratory enzymes: succinate dehydrogenase, alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (mitochondrial, cytoplasmic) and glutamate dehydrogenase increased. These materials allowed us to reveal the formation mecha- nisms of the pathogenesis of occupational fluorosis, to identify possible ways of its correction and prevention. Daily inclusion of this specialized product in the diet of rats for about of 3.5 mg/kg body weight resulted in normalization of these metabolic functions at all levels. The positive effect of vitamin-mineral complex manifested itself in the compensation of potassium and magnesium mineral salts, which helped to reduce the absorption of fluoride against its active excretion. Confirmation was the lack of fatal cases in the experimental group of animals with chronic fluoride intoxication when applying maintenance therapy using the tested product. The research results provided the basis for the optimization of therapeutic nutrition for workers of aluminum production as an after-shift rehabilitation factor against the effects of fluoride. The recommended amount is 2 cups per day as a third course or a refreshing drink.
Experimental fluorosis, enriched drink, effectiveness evaluation, pathogenesis, prevention of intoxication
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