ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


One of the priorities is the development of modern science of nutrition is the development of specialized foods for the workers of various professions related to unfavorable working conditions. The role of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) in reducing the professional and industrial-caused diseases among workers of industrial plants has been examined. The ways to optimize health- promoting diets specific to professions and the nature of effects on the body of toxic compounds have been determined. The results of the study of actual nutrition and vitamin supply of workers of metallurgical enterprises are presented. Taking into account the assessment of nutritional status instant drinks «Golden Ball» enriched with vitamins and pectin have been designed. The economic feasibility of the use of specialized foods compared with traditional ones has been shown. The experience of using the «Golden Ball» drinks and jelly at the metallurgical enterprises through their inclusion into the workers’ health- promoting diet and the study of factors characterizing the health and working ability are given.
Specialized drinks, health-promoting diet, workers of metallurgical enterprises, prevention of diseases, health maintenance
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