ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Apple puree is an important raw material in confectionery manufacture. The current confectionery recipes have a tendency of partial replacement of apple puree for pectin, pectin concentrate, flavoring agents and other food additives, which negatively affect their consumer qualities. The aim of research was to identify specific markers of micronutrient puree composition based on apples of different pomological varieties and their mixtures to further identify the finished product composition. The objects of study were samples of natural apple puree as semi-finished products made of apple varieties “Renet Simirenko”, “Ajdared”, “Grushovka moskovskaya” and mixed varieties. The traditional methods of determining the quality indices of apple puree have been used in the process of study. The concentrations of organic acids in the puree have been established by the method of gas chromatography. The organoleptic, physical and chemical parameters have been determined in apple puree. The active acidity (on average3.3) and titratable acidity calculated as malic acid (0.6-0.7%) do not depend on the apple variety. The highest jelly forming ability has been revealed in puree of apple variety “Renet Simirenko”, which is due to the increased pectin content. It has been found, that the ratio of potassium and magnesium in all samples does not have varietal differences and it ranges from 20.2 to 25.8. This index can serve as one of the identification criteria for the authenticity of apple puree. Important criteria are also the content of malic acid and the ratio of malic and citric acids in puree. The content of malic acid ranged from an average of 692 mg (puree of mixed varieties) to 770 mg (puree from “Renet Simirenko”). The estimated ratio of malic and citric acids in all puree samples, except puree from “Grushovka moskovskaya”, was 36.4-48.1. Taking into account the research results, the manufacturers of apple puree can use these data to identify it.
Apple puree, quality indices, identification, ratio of potassium and magnesium, malic acid
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