ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


In the course of drying of foodstuffs, a number of physical and chemical, biological, structural and mechanical transformations take place. They should be considered when developing appropriate technologies of dehydration that causes a need for the analysis of forms of moisture links in the material. This work is devoted to research on forms of moisture links in foodstuffs. As the object of the research, semihard cheeses of the following brands were chosen: «Gollandsky», «Kostromskoy» and «Poshekhonsky». To analyze the forms of moisture links the method of the differential thermal analysis was used. By means of thermogravimetry the graphs of dependence of weight change and rate of weight change on the temperature of heating of the studied samples in the course of heat treatment were obtained. A derivatogram of semihard cheeses enabled to find characteristic temperature sites of dehydration steps, intervals of stability of intermediate compounds, and steps of substance destruction, which are defined by peaks of endothermic reactions which are characterized by intensive moisture evaporation and extraction of gaseous compounds. Basing on the obtained data the dependence of extent of substance transformation on heating temperature has been calculated. The kinetics of dehydration of semihard cheeses has been analyzed. The temperature intervals corresponding to the steps of substance dehydration and destruction have been established. It has been revealed that the greatest part of moisture in the studied cheeses: from 60.3% («Poshekhonsky») to 69.7% («Kostromskoy») is free moisture. For «Gollandsky» cheese the most moisture is extracted at 73÷172 deg. C. For «Kostromskoy» and «Poshekhonsky» cheeses, the temperature ranges are within 78÷196°C and 94÷242 deg. C respectively. Destruction of substances begins at 178 deg. C, 192 deg. C and 211 deg. C for «Gollandsky», «Kostromskoy» and «Poshekhonsky» cheeses respectively. The presented research results can be useful to food industry experts and researchers.
Semihard cheeses, moisture link forms, thermogravitation, nonisothermal analysis
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