ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Health preservation and increase of the population performance capability is the priority direction of the healthy food state policy till 2020. Occupational disease is one of the cluster elements of socially significant diseases. The refore introduction of specialized food to the canteens of industrial enterprises as the factor directed to health preservation of workers is necessary for a solution of the health preservation problem. In this work the market research directed to consumer preference identification for workers of PLC KOKS, Kemerovo, concerning the dishes presented in the enterprise canteen is conducted. The market research allowed to establish the attitude of respondents to the enriched food. On the basis of the obtained data the compounding of a specialized meat dish - The cutlet “Poleznaya”, is developed. A functional ingredient (pectin) and carrot puree are introduced in the dish compounding, their quantity being 1.5% and 10.0% respectively. Organoleptic and physical - chemical quality indices, in particular, moisture-retaining quality, a solid mass fraction, weight losses at thermal treatment are defined for the developed dish. According to the obtained data, when pectin and carrot puree are added to a meat product moisture-relating quality increases by 7.0%, and weight losses at thermal treatment decrease by 3.0% that allows to exclude white bread from the compounding and raise the product nutrition value by satisfying the adult daily need for pectin by 80.0%. Results of the work allow to draw a conclusion that the developed dish possesses a number of useful properties and has a preventive and social focus.
Specialized food, occupational diseases, functional ingredients, market research
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