ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Semi-finished products are "convenient" food intended for fast cooking, which plays an important part in the modern society of mobile people with the rapid pace of life. Fruit and vegetable semi-finished products are low in calories, relatively high in vitamin C and carbohydrates, and they require less time for cooking. Shape, color and texture of the cooked fruit and vegetable semi-finished products are slightly different from fresh products. The quality of raw materials used and methods of fruit and vegetable processing are important in the production of fruit and vegetable semi-finished products. The most appropriate method of fruit and vegetable storage is refrigeration preservation. It is important to know the laws of changing the thermophysical properties of the mixture components for freezing and low temperature storage of fruits and vegetables. Changes in fractions of frozen moisture, specific enthalpy, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, component density of “Vegetable mixture for soup” have been determined. The calculation is based on the physical model of moisture crystallization in glucose, sucrose and fructose solutions in water. The mass fractions of moisture, sugars and starch of each component were taken into account. The dependences of thermophysical properties on temperature changes were obtained during freezing. The character of changing curves obtained in determining the thermophysical properties was analyzed. It has been revealed that bursts of heat release during crystallization of components occur at cryoscopic temperatures, eutectic temperatures of crystallization of fructose, sucrose and glucose solutions. The values of thermophysical properties for fresh and frozen ingredients have been identified. The most favorable temperature to store fruit and vegetable mixtures to prevent the growth of microorganisms and extend their shelf life is -22 deg. C. It is necessary to consider the gas component in determining the thermophysical properties of porous bodies and in calculating the additivity equations.
Fruit and vegetable semi-finished products, freezing, thermal properties, unfrozen moisture
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