ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


To make ready-cooked broiler chicken fillet, the quality of the latter was assessed after heat treatment of two kinds. The check sample was boiled traditionally using the “Ardo” gas cooker, the experimental one was cooked in the “SelfCooking Center” combi steamer (made by 'Rational'). It was recommended to boil broiler chicken fillet in the combi steamer. Steam convection heating guarantees uniform heat flow pattern in the process chamber and creates optimum mass exchange through all the fibers of the product. It was shown that after 15 minutes of 100°C steam treatment in the combi steamer the product's weight loss was 24.8%, while after 20 minutes of traditional boiling the loss in the check sample was 26.2%. Comparable difference between samples was retraced as for loss of moisture (5.8% in the experimental sample and 8% in the check one). Experimental samples of high readiness had better organoleptic index (5 points vs 4.1 of the check sample). The broiler chicken fillet cooked in a traditional way had hardish consistence and the meat was deficiently juiced. Specified organoleptic differences was compliant with reduction of water retention capacity by 11.4% in the check sample of the half-finished product. Treatment in the combi steamer reduced water retention capacity of the fillet by 10.3%. Rational combination of the airproof vacuum pack and freezing methods that ensure minimal changes of organoleptic and physicochemical properties of ready-cooked chicken fillet during cold storage at -18°C was justified. In the process of 3-month storage, the ready-cooked product boiled in the combi steamer and shock-frozen after vacuumizing preserved better.
Fillet, broiler chicken, ready-cooked product, moisture content, water retention capacity, vacuumizing, freezing
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