ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


During field experiments in the Central Black Earth region of Russia, the optimum doses and ratios of fertilizers for potato under drip irrigation, allowing obtaining a high yield of potatoes with the best edibility characteristics have been established. With increasing doses of fertilizers from zero to maximum N150P210K180 the potato yield increased from 23.4 to 43.7 t/ha, and the concentration of nitrates from 15.7 to 234.8 mg/kg of raw tubers. In options N90-120P150-180K120-150 the harvest was 37.8-41.5 c/ha, the accumulation of nitrates - 107.1-165.4 mg/kg at maximum concentration limit equal to 250 mg/kg. Small and moderate doses of fertilizers increase the biological value of protein (CCR) up to 80.6-81.2%, against 80.0% in the control group. Against the background of high doses of fertilizers N90-120P150-180K150-180, CCR was 80.1-79.4%. At the maximum level of fertilizers N150P210K180 CCR content becomes depressed, this state being expressed quite strongly. The darkening of the tubers caused by mechanical damage increased at the highest dose of fertilizer and unilaterally enhanced nitrogen and nitrogen-potassium supply. Best culinary characteristics of boiled potato in our experiments were found in samples with small and moderate doses of fertilizers N30-60P90-120K60-90 - score 77.0-75.6 taste 4.6-4.4, against 76.2 and 4.5 points in fertilizer control ones. These figures were quite good in N90-120P150-180K120-150 options, with a ratio of N : P: K equal to 1 : 1.5-1.7 : 1.3 - the score was 73.8-70.0 taste 4.2-3.9. In general, the maximum dose of N150P210K180 fertilizers and unilaterally increased nitrogen or nitrogen-and-potassium supply significantly reduces edibility characteristics of the tubers. Under the conditions of drip irrigation in the Central Black Earth region it is expedient to supply the potato with N90-120P150-180K120-150, and avoid unilateral enhanced nitrogen or nitrogen-and-potassium supply and not exceed the nitrogen doses in excess of 120 kg/ha of ai.
Potatoes, fertilizer, drip irrigation, crop, edibility characteristics of tubers
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