ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


The article is devoted to the comparison of automated information management systems for food enterprises. The aim of the research is to study the experience and the identification of possibilities for application of automated information management systems for food enterprises. The methods of comparative analysis, deduction, induction, synthesis and analysis of documents are applied. The work on the comparison of the following ERP-systems: “Galaktika Food Industry”, “1C: Enterprise”, “PARUS: Enterprise-8” is completed. Possibilities that they provide are the automation of operational planning, accounting and control. ERP-system reduces the time management decision-making, accelerates the coordination of production and management processes which positively affects the cost savings of the food enterprises. Possibilities that distinguish this ERP-system are defined. “Galaktika Food Industry” is characterized by broad functionality. “1C: Enterprise” provides specialized solutions for food enterprises and open source options as well. “PARUS: Enterprise-8” takes into account specific characteristics of different areas of the food industry in its product. Compared with ERP-systems, BPM-system “Intalev: Corporate Management” is described in the work. It offers the possibility of automating management tasks, as well as strategic planning and implementation of analytical operations. There are examples of foreign automated information management systems and enterprise management software for small businesses. The conclusions about the main factors that hinder the implementation of automated information management systems at food enterprises are made. These are the need for software adaptation on which the developers are focused, and the high cost of automated information management systems introduction. To mitigate the impact of the second factor arguments in favor of program-oriented approach intensification in food enterprise informatization are given.
Food industry, automated information management systems (AIMS), informatization, ERP-system, BPM-system, cost optimization, purpose-oriented programs
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