ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Justification of bioactivated grain triticale use in alcohol production

Triticale accounts for the biggest share in gross processing and state procurement of grain in Belarussian production of alcohol. The main difficulty in its processing is the formation of viscous technological fluids due to the presence of non-starch polysaccharides in its chemical composition. All measures taken to solve the problem come down to the selection of the efficient enzyme preparations, hydrolyzing grain polymers into low molecular weight compounds, which have the ability to be disposed by the yeast cells and form the ethyl alcohol. But grain own enzymes are not involved. It is possible to solve the problem by means of biological activation, which will activate grain enzyme systems and partially hydrolyze grain polymers into low molecular weight compounds. The article considers general and special technological parameters of six cultivars of triticale selected in the Republic of Belarus: Antos, Kastus, Dubrava, Run, Prometheus, Impulse. The authors determined that the most promising cultivars for bioactivation and food grade ethyl alcohol production are Antos and Dubrava. The authors explored the possibility of using hot soaking of triticale grain for the biological activation. They also showed the advantages of introduction of amaranth green mass in the amount of 8% during hot soaking for the reduction of grain microbiological contamination. They studied the changes in the technological properties of triticale cultivars Antos and Dubrava after the bioactivation with the green mass of amaranth. The authors determined that grain microbiological characteristics improved, the activity of grain enzymes increased, proportion of low molecular weight compounds in the chemical composition increased. They studied the processes taking place during wort and mash production from the bioactivated triticale grain. The authors showed that the processing of bioactivated triticale grain resulted in the production of wort with higher concentration of dry matter which allowed to increase the ethanol content in the mature mash produced from triticale cultivar Antos by 19.5% and from the triticale cultivar Dubrava by 29.3% and reduce the total quantity of the main impurities in distillates.
Triticale, amaranth, bioactivation, wort, mature mash, ethanol
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