ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Wheat sprouts juice production technology development and determination of juice storage modes and terms

Different grain raw materials are used to enrich products. Wheat juice is a source of nutrients, vitamins, macro- and microelements, enzymes, amino acids, including irreplaceable ones. Green sprouts of wheat grain were taken as a research object. The juice pressing was made using juice extractors with various operating principles. Organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological properties of wheat sprouts juice were determined. Wheat sprouts juice was packed into vacuum packages and packages for ice, intensively cooled and frozen respectively to prevent the product from spoilage during storage. Quality control was carried out considering three control points during 10 days of storage. Organoleptic and microbiological indicators of wheat sprouts juice were determined in these points. The author developed a production technology of juice obtained from wheat sprouts which germinated in a steam convection apparatus up to 10cm length. Screw juice extractor and intensive cooling machine were used. The author determined storage modes and periods: in vacuum packing at humidity of 75%, 4±2 °C it can be stored for 5 days; in packages for ice at humidity of 75%, −18±2 °C – for 7 days. Consumption of 100g of wheat sprouts juice satisfies daily nutrient requirement for sugar – 1.5–1.74%, vitamin C – 5.6%, B2 – 38.8%, B9 – 20%, K – 6.3%, in calcium – 0.8%, iron – 2.8–5.1%, magnesium – 0.75%, potassium – 20.1%, sodium – 0.38%. That demonstrates high nutritional value of a product.
Wheat sprouts juice, juice production technological modes, intensive cooling device, vacuum packing
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