ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Reducing Water Contamination to Ensure the Quality and Safety of Food Products

Introduction. Chemical factor presupposes substances that enter the finished product and reduce its quality. Water used in production process can be a source of such substances. The domestic drinking water supply system may contain various contaminants that possess toxic and carcinogenic properties and can affect the quality characteristics of food products. Study objects and methods. The research featured popular water pollutants found in the drinking water supply system, components of fruit and whey beverages, and the process of adsorption extraction of the contaminants by various sorbents. Results and discussion. The paper focuses on the effect of water contamination as a dangerous chemical factor on the quality of restored whey products. The study revealed the effect of organic water pollutants on the formulation components of reduced fruit and whey beverages, including interaction with proteins, lactose, and vitamins of the reduced whey. The research also featured such components of fruit and whey vitamin beverages as anthocyanins, catechins, leucoanthocyanins, and karatine, as well as additives introduced to regulate the sensory properties and improve shelf life. The paper introduces a new method for reducing water contamination based on adsorption processes for extracting organic compounds from aqueous solutions. It describes the specifics, patterns, and mechanisms of adsorption. Activated carbons of SKD-515, AG-OV-1, and AG-3 brands proved to have the best adsorption capacity for both chloroform and trichloroethylene, which makes it possible to recommend them for further research and practical use. A study of the kinetic and dynamic characteristics of the process resulted in the optimal parameters of adsorption columns and operation modes of the adsorption filter. A production flowchart describes the introduction of the adsorption posttreatment stage in the technological process of producing fruit and whey beverages. Conclusion. The proposed method of water decontamination partially reduced the chemical factor and improved the quality of the finished products.
Drinking water, trichloroethylene, chloroform, adsorption post-treatment, whey drinks
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How to quote?
Ivetich M, Gorelkina AK. Reducing Water Contamination to Ensure the Quality and Safety of Food Products. Food Processing: Techniques and Technology. 2020;50(3):515–524. (In Russ.). DOI:
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