ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 20, Issue 1, 2011

The work is devoted to preserving the viability, stability and activity of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria and during cryopreservation. Effects of different regimes of freezing and low temperature storage on the physico-chemical and microbiological indices as well as the stability of the DNA of starters containing thermophilic lactic acid bacteria and have been investigated. On the basis of these studies the optimum freezing and storage temperatures of starters of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria have been determined.
The results of researches on the activity of mold fungi ferment systems are considered. Presented are the data on ferment systems of investigated kinds of mold fungi. The activity values of ferment systems in the myceliums of mold fungi of the genus of are presented. The activity of oxidizing enzymes in the mycelium of mold fungi in optimum conditions has been established. The data on the change of proteolytic activity of mold fungi ferment systems depending on relative humidity are presented. The influence of the medium active acidity on the proteolytic activity stability ofmold fungi of the genus of has been studied. The dependence of proteolytic activity of mold fungi ferment systems from temperature has been shown.
The work is devoted to the study of microstructure and chemical composition of amaranth grain processing products as a promising raw material for food processing. The pilot studies have shown that the most valuable raw material for breadmaking among the products of amaranth grain processing is amaranth protein fortified low-fat flour.
The paper provides an overview of new continuous centrifugal mixers used for mixing of dispersed materials with a component ratio of 1:100 and above. The ways of continuous mixing intensification and recommendations on the use of these mixers are considered.
Stochastic model, which allows modeling of the membrane concentration of milk proteins when changing technological process parameter values is presented. Based on this model rational values of these parameters have been defined and recommendations on conducting the process have been developed.
The mathematical model of ultrafiltration of the solution of high-molecular compound (HMC) is proposed. The model considers the change of gel formation point location as a result of membrane productivity falling owing to membrane surface pollution by formed gel. It has been revealed that the displacement of gel formation point produces gradual stoppage of pollution and stabilization of filtration process.
The article considers different kinds of vibrators and vibratory mixers and the range of their application. The choice of two-shaft for debalanced inertia vibrator for screw mixers of bulk solids is substantiated
The article deals with the mechanisms of the pathogenic prion protein action that is an infection agent. The authors consider different ways of transferring pathogenic forms of prion through the use of animal raw materials for food and medical purposes. The necessity to develop a highly reproducible method of pathogenic prion protein detection in different samples of animal raw materials has been proved.
Being based on experimental data concerning thermoacid coagulation of skim milk a model is offered considering influence of milk acidity, micelle size distribution and whey protein denaturation degree dependent on temperature and thermal process duration. The model uses phenomenological approach to describe interactions between the casein micelles being covered with the denaturated whey proteins as a result of thermal process. The comparision of experimental data with the results of modeling allowed to check the model adequacy and to reveal values and weaknesses of the used phenomenological approach.
The basic laws of milk drinks dehydration with a view to their concentration and obtaining a product with ex-tended shelf life have been considered. The rational conditions of this process organization have been justified. The use of non-traditional method of fermented milk preservation based on vacuum dehydration in infrared energy deposition makes it possible to maximum preserve and increase the concentration of beneficial microorganisms, maintaining the functional orientation of concentrated drinks.
In this review the concepts of solubility, osmosis, and osmotic pressure have been evaluated. The classification of osmotically active substances based on their composition and properties applicable to technology of milk-based products with intermediate humidity has been suggested. The prospect of expansion of its dominant characteristics for the future integration not only in the area of dairy industry, but in the area of food industry in general has been shown.
The results of a complex research of the collagen gel intended for utilization as protein raw material and a consistency stabilizer in the technology of poultry meat half-smoked sausages are presented. On the basis of studying the physical and chemical indices of samples the manufacturing technology has been proved; a chemical composition, functional-technological and structural-mechanical properties have been studied. The level of collagen gel introduction into sausage meat of half-smoked sausages with utilization of mechanically deboned poultry meat has been established.
The basic conditions of foam mass formation in the technology of oxygen cocktails are considered. The choice of pig blood plasma as raw material for obtaining a foamer is proved and its physical and chemical indices as well as protein component have been investigated. The expediency of using blood plasma for increasing the functional importance of oxygen cocktails as means of oxygen therapy has been proved.
The diffusion properties of film coatings have been investigated. The analysis of the gas permeability of food films has been done. The permeability of various polymeric materials with respect to oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen has been shown. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the gas mixture used as a preservative agent during storage of raw peeled potatoes and vegetables have been revealed. The analysis of microbial indices changes in comparative researches has been done.
Biochemical characteristics of cheese mold-ripening using mold-fungi of genus have been studied. Detailed studying of free amino acid content in cheeses has been done and a choice of an optimum variant of mold-fungi of genus has been proved. It is shown that the process of lactic acid accumulation is coordinated with the dynamics of development of milk sugar utilization and the dynamics of change of cheese mass active acidity.
The experiment on freeze drying of berries has been carried out. The product temperature and weight have been registered during the experiment. On the basis of the data obtained the optimum conditions of drying with the given method have been defined.
Mathematical models of batch operation ultrafiltration plants with retentate recirculation and separate venting of the solution from the membrane module outlet are considered. Two variants of process realization with retentate return to the tank with initial solution, or its return to the apparatus inlet are analyzed. It has been shown, that both schemes enable to obtain the final product of the same concentration, but the scheme with retentate return to the module inlet runs more risk of membrane pollution.
To increase the efficiency of the whey biopotential using mathematical modeling the process of whey fractionation with pectin and chitosan into liquid and colloidal parts is studied. The intervals of varying the dosages of additives and generalized optimization parameter are substantiated. An adequate mathematical model of second order is obtained. The model establishes linkage between the quality of the fractionation process and the quantity of chitosan and pectin. Optimal mass fraction of biopolymers-sorbents is defined on the basis of the mathematical model.
On the basis of material balance equations and correlation functions the interrelation of inertial properties of the lifting screw type vertical vibration mixer and its geometric dimensions has been shown in this paper.
The article deals with the application of a protein-fatty emulsion with selenium fortified flour in the technology of boiled sausage from horseflesh. Quality indices of boiled sausage with the protein-fatty emulsion containing wheat flour biotechnologically fortified with selenium have been studied. It has been revealed that the use of a protein-fatty emulsion promotes the improvement of finished product quality and its food value.
The article deals with the results of a research on nutritional value of dietary jams with lowered glycemic index. The influence of sugar replacement with sorbitol reducing glycemic index on jam taste, aroma, consistency (gel density) has been studied.
The paper considers the effect of the kind of sausage casings on the quality of meat products during storage. Results of microbiological, chemical, structural and mechanical investigations of cooked sausages manufactured with different kinds of casings are given. It has been established that cooked sausage quality and shelf-life depend on the type of sausage casings.
To provide the population of the Republic of Belarus with dairy products is the main concern of dairy sub-complex. The present branch capacity and experience make it possible not only to meet the needs of the population within the country but also contribute to the implementation of export-oriented production. Investigation of dairy industry prevailing conditions and development trends, commercial milk processing and marketing of end products contributes to the substantiation and working out of recommendations for adaptation of the dairy industry to market-sufficient conditions of economic activity and supplying of home and foreign markets with dairy products.