Volume 22, Issue 3, 2011
Whole grain products is an important source of essential nutrients. To increase the consumption of wholegrain foods it is necessary to develop their formulations and technologies. The influence of the modes of micronization and crushing of wheat for the production of whole grains, and the selection of the method of their culinary treatment is studied.
The possibility of long storage of the salty semifinished fern Matteuccia struthiopteris ordinary, obtained by dry salting with high concentration of salt is studied. The dynamics of the chemical composition and quality indicators is investigated. The optimum periods of storage of the semifinished products prepared using different technological modes are defined. Positive influence of short-term scalding of raw materials before salting, essentially reducing autolytic activity of tissue enzymes and quantity of microorganisms in raw materials is noted. It is established that within the first six months of storage the quality of the semifinished product continued to correspond to the necessary requirements. A longer storage of the fern salted without preliminary scalding leads to essential decrease in quality and food value, while the semifinished product obtained with preliminary thermal processing, is stored within twelve months without essential deterioration.
The analysis of the physico-chemical processes of protein coagulation in milk-protein and milk-vegetable mixtures has been done. The mathematical model based on the methods of stochastic process theory has been developed, its parameters have been determined. The curd forming time has been calculated. Recommendations on the choice of a starter type for intensification of the process have been offered.
The features of the carbohydrate metabolism regulation and glucose tolerance in people of the Dikson settlement with a polar experience of 2 years with distinct carbohydrate type of diet were studied. The control group consisted of residents of Novosibirsk. Based on the analysis of the glycemic curves and hormonal response, the mechanisms of carbohydrate metabolism regulation is examined, the glucose tolerance in the northerners is studied
The article deals with results of studying the chemical composition of the stalks of Burdock (burdock) - Arctium lappa L. = Lappa major Gaertn . It was established that burdock stalks contain 1.86 % of protein, 2.41 % of cellulose, 0.32 % of fat, 0.92 % of minerals. The share of glutamic and aspartic acids is the largest of the nonessential amino acids. The share of leucine and valine is the largest of the essential amino acids. Methionine is the limiting amino acid in the protein composition. Burdock petioles have a wide range of minerals. The content of potassium, sodium, magnesium and iron is 2-3 times higher than that in vegetables. The vitamin composition is presented by vitamin C, vitamins B, vitamin E and carotene
In the article the results of research on dynamics of the basic food substances of the frozen wild and cultivated blackberry (moisture, sugars, organic acids, anthocians and pectinaceous substances) in the course of storage are presented. It is revealed that with different forms and pomologic grades of blackberry the trends of the processes are almost identical, the quantity of sugars gradually decreases during the whole period of storage, the hydrolysis of sucrose and pectinaceous substances takes place which involves the changes in organoleptic characteristics. High provision of the investigated blackberry with phenolic compounds namely anthocians, characteristic of the given berries, is marked. By the results of the research the conclusion is drawn that the more the provision of blackberry with solids, mainly sugars, and the less free moisture, the safer the original content is
Optimum conditions and keeping periods for canned pickled mushrooms are substantiated, taking into account the changes in their chemical composition, microbiological parameters, toxicological safety. The research of the changes in the carbohydrate content, nitrogen compounds, microbiological and sensory characteristics of canned pickled sub-sour and distinctly sour tubular and lamellar mushrooms of the highest and first class quality was carried out. It was shown that in the process of long-term storage the above stated changes were due, primarily, to the temperature of storage and concentration of acetic acid. Recommended conditions of sterilization allow to retain high nutritional quality of the tinned foods, bring about stability for their keeping in refrigerators and in unregulated environment, with the exception of sub-sour canned food, which are to be stored in special conditions.
The influence of the gap between a rotor and a stator on the size of the average diameter of casein micelles during paste-like dairy products formation in the hydrodynamic chopper-disperser has been investigated. The rational parameters of the technological process have been established. It has been shown that the ability to disperse milk-protein concentrates in the hydrodynamic chopper-disperser is higher than in the traditional way. The composition and properties of the developed paste-like dairy products have been studied. Their shelf life has been also defined.
The work presents the experimental substantiation of technological recommendations for preparation of raw components for manufacture of fish-carrot forcemeats with a laminaria powder. The data on the dependence of physico-chemical and structural-mechanical properties of forcemeat from cooking time, the quantity of carrots, and the replacement of a part of crude fish with the boiled one are given. The way of preparation of the laminaria powder allowing to receive forcemeats with high functional-technological indices is offered.
Functional properties of pollen have been studied. A comparative estimation of the ways pollen is introduced into the dough at different stages of pastry making has been done. The chemical composition and energy value of pastry made with pollen have been established. Optimal doses and ways of pollen introduction into the dough have been determined.
This paper is devoted to the effect of temperature of cheese ripening on organoleptic and biochemical properties of mold-type cheeses. It is noted that the mold-type cheeses with spicy and rich flavor are very popular. Mold-type cheese advantages are quick ripening, the possibility of mechanization, and the presence of all the essential amino acids in a free form. The effect of pasteurization and the period of ripening on biochemical indices of cheeses produced with/without molds have been studied. Represented is the effect of mold fungi on the dynamics of microflora at the temperature of cheese ripening.
The work is devoted to the study of the rheological characteristics of carbohydrate-amylase complex of baking mixes, consisting of rye, wheat and amaranth flour. The results of studying the kinetics and dynamics of the rheological behavior of gelatinized flour suspensions on a computerized device Amilotest AT-97 (CP-TA) have shown the expediency of using amaranth flour for partial substitution for rye in the rye-wheat baking mixes.
Investigated is the operation of the developed new design of a cylinder rotary-film apparatus in order to intensify the drying process that reduces the dynamic effects on the rotor drive, which leads to a more stable movement of the product film through the length of the apparatus, as well as increases the efficiency of removing steam and particles of the finished product from the steam-gas-oil mixture.
The article concerns modern views of connection forms between moisture and material and classifications of its separate kinds. The results of researches on a wide range of materials allowing to draw a conclusion that solving various technological problems, it is quite enough to separate physico-chemically and physico-mechanically connected water into two basic moisture categories: capillary-mobile and capillary-motionless.
The article considers the problem of organization expediency in the AIC of the Ural federal district of large agro-holdings and their advantages compared with middle agriculture and farmer organizations. Their economic effectiveness in market conditions as well as innovation activities of large agricultural complexes are investigated. The research deals with the ability of agro-holdings to concentrate finances and material recourses for large investment project realization, the increased demands to the quality of manufactured goods, the possibility to attract the most trained and skilled specialist by means of high wages. At the same time some lacks in agricultural holdings activities have been revealed. First of all it is the support of large agricultural holdings and the removal of small participants of the production process that intensifies their polarization. The village population unemployment and the retention of traditional village enterprises development follow
An economic and organizational model for strategic development of effective management of the food service at the regional level is developed and proposed, taking into account the influence of the most significant economic, social and demographic factors. The model is based on the concept of strategic economic zones. The ways of improving the effectiveness of regional food service management system were identified, the set of social and economic tasks of reforming economics are being considered.