Volume 27, Issue 4, 2012
The current state of allergy problem as a global public health problem has been studied. One of the most com-mon forms of allergy is food allergy. Complete exclusion of dairy products from the diet of patients suffering from food allergy (except severe clinical cases) is not a reasonable approach, since they are the source of the most easily digestible protein with a complete amino acid composition. Therefore, scientists are constantly in search of the ways of struggling with food allergy. The development of dairy products with reduced content of major allergens in the form of milk proteins is objectively necessary, as other approaches do not cover the whole mass of people intolerant of milk proteins.
Research and development results for the technology of cheddared cheese mass for melting are described. The influence of the bacteria starter, disodium phosphate and aging temperature on the melting ability of cheese mass, cheese humidity and the amino acids content has been established.
The technology and recipes of baked products from frozen yeast semi-finished goods with Jerusalem artichoke flour have been developed. The Jerusalem artichoke flour was found to be a good structure builder and stabilizer of frozen semi-finished goods. It can compete with bread improvers used in this technology. The influence of Jerusalem artichoke flour on the organoleptic, physico-chemical properties of frozen semi-finished goods and the final bakery products has been studied. Experiments confirmed the possibility of storing frozen foods made of Jerusalem artichoke flour during 30 days.
Recipes developed for the paste-like products from raw materials of marine origin are presented. Food and bio-logical value of probiotic paste-like products from sea raw materials is studied. The content of macro-elements, fatty acid composition, and relative biological value of the products are determined. The quantitative data for Lactobacterium acidophilum in paste-like products in the storage process are presented. The changes of viable paste-like products in the process of storage are studied. The data are presented on the organoleptic evaluation of fish pastes in storage.
Technological parameters (bulk and volume weight, restoration, filling and raw materials replacement factors) are defined when extracting biologically active substances from wild raw materials with curd whey in comparison with spirit. The substantiation of the hydro module of the process and calculations for output of whey extracts from raw materials (lime blossom, common nettle and ordinary oregano) is given.
Opportunity of soft acid-rennet cheese production from restored whole milk using glucono-delta-lactone (GDL) is established. It is noted that increase of GDL in dose from 2 to 8 grams per liter leads to the growth of milk acidity and reduction of clot formation duration. The received samples of cheeses were characterized by yield decrease with the increase of GDL dosage: the greatest cheese yield (25,7 %) and the smallest volume of the separated serum is noted with using of GDL in a dose of 4 grams per liter. The cheese obtained had a homogeneous paste-like consistence and subacid taste.
The methodology of the system modeling for multicomponent foods is proposed. The practical and theoretical substantiation of the system modeling application in the development of foods recipes has been given. This approach can be used in modeling of new generation food products and represents a methodological basis for the development of new effective technological solutions in the food industry.
Based on the hypothesis of an additional electrostatic stabilization of the colloidal caseinate-calcium-phosphate complex of milk with a lack in the activity of calcium ions, the method of magnesium enrichment of milk proteins dur-ing their coagulation is proposed. The fact of the transition of magnesium ions added to the milk with a low concentra-tion of calcium ions into the milk clot during rennet coagulation is experimentally confirmed. The possibility of en-richment of milk clot with other metal ions, for example with iron, is considered.
The article is devoted to the investigation and development of a cottage cheese-plant food product intended for school children nutrition. In this regard researches of the dairy-plant base fermentation and of organoleptic indexes of the base are done. The results of the researches testify that buckwheat flour in the amount of 6 % makes the pro-biotic cultures of microorganisms active and viable, and the organoleptic features more pleasant.
The formula and technology of a new original meat product of fast preparation has been developed. It is a semi-finished product frozen for paste using cheap raw materials obtained when processing poultry. The product formula is optimized by a method of computer design based on the effect of protein mutual enrichment. The product has the increased biological value, good organoleptic characteristics. The production technology of the product allows to minimize losses by excluding the traditional preliminary thermal processing of raw materials, to increase the yield, to extend the product storage period and to include it into the group of products of the budgetary segment taking into account its prime cost.
Experiments were conducted to study the preservation of vitamin C in vegetable salads stored in the modified gaseous medium (MGM) and vacuum packaging. Organoleptic evaluation of vegetable salads during storage and packaged under vacuum and MGM is determined. The profiles of organoleptic evaluation of the packaged salads are composed.
The article presents the results of determining the quality index and chemical composition of pumpkin puree. The optimum dose of puree and ascorbic acid in pumpkin marmalade were determined. The change of ascorbic acid and β-carotene contents and that of quality indices during storage of marmalade under various conditions have been studied. A high rate of preservation of natural β-carotene in the marmalade during storage in darkness regardless of temperature, air humidity and the presence of ascorbic acid has been discovered. The least loss of ascorbic acid was observed at low temperature storage of marmalade. Enriched pumpkin marmalade is a functional food product and is characterized by the absence of synthetic colorants and flavorings.
The influence of inulin on organoleptic and physico-chemical indices of spreads with low-fat content has been investigated. It has been established that introduction of inulin and an A and E vitamin complex into fats and dairy product formulas allows to lower the content of fat and sugar and to produce functional food product.
The paper gives the organoleptic evaluation of the protein concentrate from alfalfa seed, presents data on its chemical composition (protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals), the content of biologically active compounds (bioflavo-noid, iron, manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc, succinic acid) and safety indices. Combined meat and cereal products are developed using the alfalfa seed protein concentrate. The study of organoleptic characteristics, chemical composition, and amino acid content is carried out. The standard quality indices, time and mode of storage are established.
The paper presents results on the effect of arabinogalactan on microbiological indices and keeping ability of fermented milk products. The changes in indices of the number of viable cells of microorganisms in the product de-pending on the doses of arabinogalactan are studied. The effects of the dose of arabinogalactan on the keeping ability of fermented milk products, the change in their physical, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic characteristics have been investigated.
The properties of whey were investigated and its basic parameters were defined. The distribution of peptides ob-tained by hydrolysis of whey proteins with Alcalase Protamex enzymes through molecular mass was studied. The frac-tional composition of skim milk proteins was determined. Membrane processing techniques of milk mixture were stud-ied. The mode of producing the milk-containing mousse was selected. Defined were the basic parameters of producing the milk-containing mousse. The efficiency and reliability, the economic component of producing the milk-containing mousse were calculated. The milk-containing mousse was designed for preventive nutrition of adults suffering from al-lergy to milk proteins. The technological process of dispersion and gas filling should ensure the structural uniformity of hydrolyzed milk mixture, firmness and density of the whipped mixture over a set period of storage. Food products pro-duced with the methods developed will be less expensive and will be available for preventive nutrition due to reducing the cost of the expensive process of hydrolysis.
The article deals with the methods of intensification of loose components mixing satisfying modern requirements for various industries. The author presents some results of theoretical and experimental researches aiming at solving basic problems in the field of loose components mixing.
The methods of modeling of the fast freezing for foodstuff based on the model of adjustable heat removal ac-cording to the principle of program freezing are considered. In this case the quick-freezer is considered as a system of modules, in each of which it is possible to independently provide the heat removal for the realization of fast freezing which is necessary for the technological process. Much attention is paid to the analysis of freezing front formation at the first stage of freezing in view of the features of the multizoned combined system of refrigeration supply. The mathematical model for definition of freezing duration for dairy products in two-zoned quick-freezer of the combined "Nitrogen + Air" type with adjustable heat removal is developed. The integrate characteristics of the mathematical model are determined. It’s adequacy to real process of freezing is proved.
Experimental data on the strengthening of crude ethyl alcohol in a packed column, and the results of a study on contact stages of non adiabatic thermal rectification are presented.
In this article certain questions of developing the system for current monitoring and controlling the dynamics of mixture production processes are considered. It should be noted that the system created uses non-traditional approach based on wavelet transforms. The program modules performance principles used for data acquisition and its specific processing are explained here. Theoretical fundamentals of wavelet transforms are touched and the wavelet matching pursuit algorithm is depicted. Moreover, engineering aspects of the experimental unit with the automation system, the issues of forming the flow signals registration sub-system and pick-ups calibration, and also of using the time-frequency distributions (Wigner maps) to identify a current state of the dosing processes dynamics and control it are presented.
The paper is devoted to research on the process of crystallization in the cryoconcentrator of capacitive type. Ex-periments on water separation freezing out have been carried out at different temperatures of a coolant and duration of the crystallization process. The dependence of the weight of the obtained ice on the time of the low-temperature pro-cessing is given. The change of ice layer thickness and temperature curves on a heat transfer surface of a crystallizer have been graphed. As a result of experimental studies the graphics reflecting the dependence of specific power con-sumption on time and thickness of a frozen ice layer were received. Based on the dependences obtained power effi-ciency modes of separation freezing out were defined.
Physico-chemical properties of raw materials have been defined. Studies on the influence of different factors on the process of extraction have been done. Dependences on the temperature of the process have been established. With the purpose of intensification of the extraction process the treatment with enzyme preparations Fructozym P6L at the concentration of 0.05 % and the duration of 120–150 minutes is proposed.
The results of experimental investigation of diffusion properties of the rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) are given in the article. The data on moisture absorption kinetics of the extragent by solid phase particles and the particle size changes in extraction process are obtained. The numerical data of diffusion coefficient are determined. On the basis of obtained results the unknown parameters of the mathematical model of the process can be identified.
The influence of the gas speed on the mass transfer coefficient in the gas phase, entrainment and hydraulic re-sistance of the new contact element of the spray apparatus is investigated. The multideck entrainment separator with different geometrical parameters (the width, the installation pitch, and the angle of the plates’ elevation) was tested. The allowable speed of the gas in the apparatus and construction of wall entrainment separator is substantiates. A comparative analysis of the results of similar studies is carried out.
The prospects of whey processing using membrane methods are dealt with. A membrane apparatus with the removing of the diffusion layer is proposed. The influence of design parameters on the efficiency of whey concentration is investigated. A regression analysis of this influence is carried out. The rational values of design parameters are revealed.
A survey of Chelyabinsk residents to study their preferences for confectionery is carried out. It is established that a significant proportion of the population gets cookies, cakes, candies, caramel which can be viewed as objects to enrich the diets with vitamins and mineral components. The main factors when choosing products are shelf-life, cost and appearance of goods, as well as the manufacturer belonging to a brand company. However, more than half of Chelyabinsk residents do not know anything about the benefits from the use of confectionery. Every fourth citizen does not see any health benefits from eating sweets.
The research results can serve as a fundamental component for the development of medium- and long-term re-gional policy in the field of functional confectionery. In order to make the enriched pastry goods find their customers and have their niche in the market it is necessary to strengthen the education and raise the awareness of the population.
Food behavior of elementary, middle and senior forms pupils of Yekaterinburg is considered. The authors car-ried out the assessment of the actual nutrition of school children. The main food preferences, the satisfaction degree with all types of food, the extent of providing with hot meals are studied. The analysis of staple food products consumption in comparison with physiological norms is carried out.
The effect of soaking period on heavy metals content and physical characteristics of wild mushrooms has been studied. It has been determined that the content of macro- and microelements is reduced during a short-term soaking, while after a long-term soaking (24h+) the content of some elements in mushrooms reaches almost the initial level.
A new natural probiotic strain of bifidus bacteria has been singled out in order to increase the biosafety of food products. The GG-72 strain has shown relatively high results of antagonistic characteristics concerning the representa-tives of pathogenic and saprogenic microflora. Genetic identification and safety trials have been run; the growth dynamics, and the dynamics of pH reduction have been studied; and the technoligical features and indirect characteristics describing the strain’s ability to survive in alimentary canal have been defined. The characteristics of a new strain were compared with Bifidobacterium 771 strain as well as with the already quite investigated Bifidobacterium adolescentis BGV-11 (VKPM-AS-1742) strain.
The possibility of increasing the selenium content in the grain of wheat cultivated in the conditions of the Keme-rovo region are shown. The factors that influence the quality of grain and the content of selenium in it have been ana-lyzed. The preservation of selenium in the process of storage has been studied. The technology of cultivation of wheat with high content of selenium has been developed based on the received results.
The complex system of quality and safety assessment of foods taking into consideration manufacturing tech-niques, quality of meat raw materials, possibility of enrichment with additives and forecasting the contamination structure of finished goods is developed on the platform of created and registered DB «An assessment of quality and safety of foodstuff». The system covers the process of finished product development starting with the choice of raw materials of the optimum chemical composition, focusing special attention on contamination structure, up to the introduction of an enriching additive. The use of the original database allows to automate calculations, make compounding, predict contamination structure, define the maximum quantity of additives. The algorithm for assessing the influence of the enriching additive on the contamination content in finished good is presented.
The results of the hierarchical analysis of alternatives to the national alcoholic drink in Russia Is given. Based on a critical assessment of diverse opinions of independent anonymous experts the possibility is mathematically proved to replace vodka with beer as a low alcohol alternative in the national model of alcohol consumption, with subsequent replacement of the beer by the beverages with socially significant properties.
Excluding synthetic additives from food products is a relevant area of the food industry. We have developed a technique of hard-boiled sweets enriched with extracts of biologically active plant (elder berry, Chinese magnolia vine, green tea) and animal (reindeer antler) raw materials instead of synthetic dyes and fragrances.
Some new modified sorbents based on flask of the Astrakhan region, have been obtained. A comparative study of the sorption of cadmium on the sorbents presented has been done. Isotherm static sorption of substances from aqueous solutions have been studied. The change in enthalpy (H), isobaric-isothermal potential (G) and entropy (S) of sorption have been calculated. Kinetics of sorption of cadmium ions from water solutions has been calculated. The results can be used for water purification from cadmium ions.
Accession to WTO consequences and their influence on the Russian economy and world trade are considered. The obstacles that Russia need to overcome before joining the WTO, and possible ways of economy development after Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization are dealt with. Different opinions as far as positive and negative attitude to the problem discussed are presented in the article. The main requirements that Russia has to meet have been systematized.
The article deals with the concept of economic feasibility of the project, defines the purpose and objectives of its development, the importance and the need for it at the enterprise. A tentative list of topics that form the basis of tech¬nical and economic feasibility of the technological process, the indices that reflect the basic characteristics of the project are given. The signs that allow comparisons with the business plan have been revealed.
The analysis of the development of different agricultural organizational forms has been done. The criteria for classification of forms of economic activity as market and command ones have been established. Farm typology that combines the forms of economic organization with the forms of production and labor organizing has been developed. Classification features that define the group of companies and allow conduct the comparative and contrastive analyses of agricultural enterprises have been identified.