ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


In the article the preliminary treatment of the aquated wheat germ is studied for the increase of their structure-forming properties as a stabilizing additive in the composition of ice-cream. The most substantial activation of functional-technological properties of the grain was observed under the hydrothermal treatment and vacuumizing. It is established that homogenization of the aquated wheat germ is not effective enough and can be applicable in technology of ice-cream in the treatment under pressure not higher than 10 MPa. The use of the preliminary structured wheat germ in a milk ice-cream composition allows obtaining high fluffing, good resistance to melting, fine distribution of air phials, fatty marbles and ice crystals.
Hydrothermal treatment, homogenization, vacuum, wheat germ, ice cream
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