ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 31, Issue 4, 2013

The chemical composition, physical-chemical and technological properties of raw milk depending on the season, the environment of the Altai territory in conditions of raw material base of the German national district are considered. The value of biological milk quality and its chemical and microbiological safety is shown for quality cheese making. The influence of seasonality on the manufacture of cheese is established. Microbiological risks of raw materials and its processing are described.
Technological research of Belukha vegetable marrows grown in the Kemerovo region is presented, i.e. their suitability for technical processing as an integral part of the grade-study allowing for the comprehensive grade characteristics and practical recommendations. Suitability is determined on the basis of the researches of raw material chemical composition, compliance of marrows and the vegetable caviar to specifications and technical documentation requirements (organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators).
The attitude of the population the city of Saratov to the use of products based on cottage cheese whey and curd products, containing food fibers was studied. The work revealed the degree of citizens awareness of dietary fiber and by-products of milk production (cottage cheese whey); the frequency of use of the above components in the human diet is studied; the population preferences in the consumption of foods containing dietary fiber and cottage cheese whey are defined; the awareness of the correlation between diet and the physical condition of the body is revealed.
Implementation of a safety management system is not only one of the ways to increase the competitiveness of Russian food products on the world market, but also to guarantee the health of its nation. The article explores the legal and normative basis in the field of food safety management in Russia and abroad. Estimation of readiness of domestic food companies to compete with foreign producers has been done
Brief data on the nutrition value of the guelder-rose fruits, including their flavoring features are provided. Influence of the chemical composition of guelder-rose fruits on bitterness formation is considered. Some approaches and techniques for the bitterness elimination are described. The organoleptic assessment of dairy products, such as kefir drinks, sour cream products and cottage cheese products using dried guelder-rose raw material is carried out. The assessment of flavoring profiles of the cottage cheese products differing. in the fat and sucrose content is given. Some aspects of organoleptic indicator formation of the specified dairy products are considered. It is established that with the introduction in the dairy product compounding of dry guelder-rose raw materials, the bitterness available, is less perceived in the presence of milk fat and sucrose.
The paper considers the effect of ultrasonic treatment on the change of ascorbic acid content in the clarified demetalised sea buckthorn wine raw material. Varietal blend of fresh and frozen sea buckthorn of Altai selection was used as a test object. It is shown that the greatest effect on the loss of ascorbic acid in the production of sea buckthorn wine raw material has a long, low-temperature storage of the berries used. Fermentation and ultrasonic clarification influence the loss of vitamin C to a less extend
The appraisal of quality of ten samples of wine beverages from red grapes (harvests of 2008–2012 period) grown in the Altai territory has been done. The application of fruit wine-making technology when producing wine beverages has been proved. It has been shown that almost all the ten wine beverages are of high quality and meet the GOST R 52523-2006 and GOST R 51159-2009 requirements. It has been noted that wine beverages from «Zilga», «Pamyat» «Dombkovskoy» and «Taiga» grape varieties have high and stable quality. Consequently, they can be recommended for the production of natural dry and semisweet wines.
The article presents the results of research of propionic acid bacteria culture and that of symbiotic starter microorganisms based on adapted mixture of kefir fungal yeast and propionic acid bacteria. The biochemical activity of starter cultures in the adapted mixture is investigated. It was revealed that when starters are cultured on the adapted mixture the time of fermentation increases. At the same time, the number of viable cells of propionic acid bacteria remains at a high level. The results of these studies have shown the possibility of using pure propionic acid bacteria cultures and yeast combination consisting of fungal kefir starter and propionic acid bacteria at a ratio of 1:1 for the production of adapted fermented milk products.
The process of obtaining dry lactulose by spray drying is considered. The optimal parameters affecting the yield of the finished product, such as the mass fraction of lactulose in the solution, the drying temperature, the rate of supply of the solution and the rate of air supply are determined. It is shown that the solution with a mass fraction of lactulose (40±1) %is optimal for the production of lactulose powders. The highest yield of the product is obtained at a drying temperature equal to (140±1) °C, a solution feed rate of 0.0003-0.00042 m / h and an air flow rate of 15 m / h.
The research is devoted to the scientific and practical justification of the usage of the powder from sprouted wheat grain as an additive to food products. The object of the study is the powder obtained by grinding of dry sprouted wheat grain (Technical Regulation 9290-002-50765127-03 LLC «SibTar» (Novosibirsk) using the Robot Coupe R 4 cutter. The aim of the research is the development of the optimum technology of the hydrothermal processing of the powder from sprouted wheat grain as an additive to food products. The result of the investigation is the resource-saving technology of the hydrothermal processing of the powder from sprouted wheat grain that includes the following parameters: optimum 1:1,25 water duty for swelling; optimum swelling temperature of 45 ˚C, the duration 60 min of hydrothermal treatment at the pH of 4,5.
This paper presents the technology for producing malt sprout powders and powders from polishing wastes as by-products of malting. Organoleptic, physical and chemical properties, as well as safety indicators for the malt sprout powders and powders from polishing wastes are defined. Cottage cheese and cereal product recipes are developed with the addition of the above mentioned powders. New types of cottage cheese and cereal products are investigated using organoleptic and physical and chemical quality indicators. The economic efficiency of the use of malt sprout powders and polishing waste powders as enriching food ingredients is established.
Promising plant raw materials are vegetables and products of their processing spread almost in all regions of Russia. The paper presents mathematical dependencies reflecting the changes of the basic components of «Vegetable» soft cheese product having vegetable concentrate allowing optimizing the choice and ratio of initial components of the formulation in accordance with a complex of quantitative and qualitative indices of the finished product.
Changes in the color of buckwheat with increased time of grain processing in the steamer of periodic action is established. The proposed method of hydrothermal processing (HTP) ensures obtaining the color uniformity of kernel buckwheat in six different colors. The range of steaming time during which the kernel color changed from light grey to dark brown is investigated. The results of studies of the unground buckwheat chemical composition in different heat grain treatment modes are given. The surface microstructure of buckwheat in different colors are investigated by the microphotographs taken on the electronic scanning electron microscope JSM-840.
The article deals with assessment of possibility of refractometric method applying Brix scale for total solids content determination in whey obtained while manufacturing separated cottage cheese and treated with baromembrane methods. The data illustrating the correlation of Brix index and total solids content of whey were obtained; individual shifts of Brix index for main whey components were determined. The results of investigation allow using the measured indexes of total solids on the Brix scale for whey processing control.
Temperature dependence of reconstituted skim milk coagulation on its initial acidity and concentration of calcium ions is investigated. It is shown that the temperature of milk coagulation decreases with increase of both milk acidity, and ionised calcium concentration in milk. Moreover, there is a possibility to change the temperature of milk coagulation by simultaneous variation of both specified parameters.On the basis of the experimental data some hypotheses are formulated and the physical and chemical model is offered describing heat-acid and heat-calcium milk coagulation within the limits of the uniform scheme.
Presents the results of the study on functional and technological properties of wheat bran produced from wheat grown in the Amur Region in order to use them as a functional component in the development of new technology of a curd product. Wheat bran swelling has been examined to determine the ability of moisture binding during swelling, the rate of moisture absorption, the increase of shredded bran volume in roasted and native forms. It has been found that the decrease of bran particle size, the temperature of the dispersion medium, and thermal pre-treatment caused the increase of water absorption and improved organoleptic, structural and mechanical properties. This fact allows predicting high quality curd product production.
The short review and the description of stabilizing substances applied in the beverage industry for providing the products colloidal and biological stability are given. The ways of improving the stability of beverages used in domestic and foreign practice, using antioxidants, enzymes, adsorbents and flocculants are considered. The classification of stabilizing substances using a hierarchical method is offered. The classification is based on the structural and technological characteristics of the stabilizers used for the storage stability of beverages. The classification features are marked. The analysis is presented of the classification feature values for the solutions of production issues connected with the use of stabilizing substances, i,e. for indicating application aspects, evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of a particular stabilizer. An example algorithm of the actions of a specialist manufacturing alcoholic beverages on the basis of the classification analysis of the variant presented is given.
This paper studies the possibility of using corn starch to improve the colloidal stability of alcoholic beverages by treating the semis - fortified fruit drinks. The efficacy is investigated of starch physical treatment to enhance its ability to precipitate high-molecular polyphenolic substances, which when oxidized, form precipitates during the storage of products. It was found that the modification of starch by means of the physical force – electromagnetic radiation – improves the efficiency of adsorption of polyphenolic compounds in fortified berry fruit drinks, allowing to obtain a stable colloidal system of the beverage. The rational parameters for processing berry fruit drinks with modified starch for removing the high polyphenols are defined.
Proposed is the concept of creating synbiotic dairy products. The patterns of interaction between the pro- and prebiotics are studied. Defined is an economic efficiency of synbiotics. Substantiated is the pattern of interaction between probiotics and prebiotics. Defined are strategic directions and the development of new technologies, synbiotics and synbiotic products. Preclinical studies of designed synbiotic products have been carried out.
The impact of titratable and active acidities on the quality of table wine material from Zagadka Sharova grapes is examined. Organoleptic evaluation of wine samples produced by acidification of organic acid, such as tartaric, citric, D, L-malic, lactic was conducted. It was found that the best results were obtained by blending with highly acidic varieties. Coupages of wines were produced by using both blending and seepage technology. The latter allows to get the most harmonious samples of wine.
With the help of Generic 2.0 computer program the recipes of culinary fish products based on washed comminuted fish with addition of vegetable ingredients has been developed. Organoleptic evaluation of the quality indices of the developed culinary products as well as the assessment of nutritional value and the balance of the developed recipes have been done.
A new design of the drum mixer in presented. A technique for determining the time constant included in the transfer functions of the drum mixer is described. The research of the mixer smoothing ability for some mixtures at different positions of the L-shaped blades and different drum speed, on the basis of timing and frequency analysis is carried out.
The article is devoted to the study of heat transfer during whey cooling. Cooling of whey – is one of the major processes affecting the crystallization of the lactose. The analytical study of the temperature change of whey in relation to its viscosity properties during cooling in the plate scraper heat-exchanger of continuous action is carried out. The temperature division of the product in the machine is studied by diffrential equations for heat transfer in moving fluids in cylindrical coordinate system with asymmetric distribution of temperature without allowing for energy dissipation. The change in temperature in connection with the rheological properties of the whey is determined. The results for practical use are obtained.
Application of the law of volume phase structure constancy of the disperse system for receiving materials with optimum structure and set properties is considered. The criterion of optimality for structure formation, namely the firm phase volume is chosen. For quantitative assessment of the structurization process dynamics the structure and power parameter is offered. Phase diagrams of the granulation and tabletting technology for chokeberry kissel are made, which allows to analyse disperse structure formation processes and to estimate power consumption of the process. The conducted researches allowed to make a conclusion that application of the law of volume phase structure constancy of disperse systems gives the chance to theoretically and practically analyse various technologies, technological stages and operations when receiving materials with the set properties and to simplify the technique of researches of disperse systems.
Investigated is the impact of dust cleaning efficiency on a rotary spray device with a diameter of 0,25 m of gas velocity; the fluid velocity; the diameter of the dispersing holes when the air is dusted with whey, fodder yeast and inert dust, their medium median size ranging from 0,86 to 1,4 um. The comparison of the studied device with known designs on the main technical economic characteristics is given.
The article is devoted to the development of extraction technology for black chokeberry as a source of bioactive substances used in quick-serve grain-basis products. The influence of different factors (temperature, extraction time, hydromodulus) on the physical, biological and organoleptic property of extracts is considered. As a result the optimal technological parameters for black chokeberry extracts have been established.
The existing and potential sizes of the food market have been determined and the ways to determine its capacity are given. One of these ways was used to determine the potential capacity of the Kemerovo region food market. The calculations have been done in accordance with physiological norms of consumption and different population consumption groups. The decrease in capacity needs of the regional food market has been found. The conclusions have been formulated on the basis of the data obtained.
Comparative description of relative indexes of enterprise financial stability most frequently found in various techniques is given. The analysis of the validity of the coefficient method for assessing the financial condition has been carried out. Proposed are optimum indexes in accordance with the current state of financial statements.
In a market economy, where the focus switches to the qualitative factors of economic growth, the problem of improving capacity utilization must be addressed not only from the standpoint of increasing capacity utilization and the increase the volume of production, but at the same time achieve the best economic results of the company. Considered in this article, the methodical aspects of the estimates of cost-efficient power reserves according to different criteria allow to give more accurate determination of the optimal value of the power reserves and achieve the science-based planning in capacity utilization, corresponding to modern requirements. The proposed methodological approaches are primarily meant for businesses, but can also be used to determine the optimal value of production reserves, both at the level of individual production units and industries.