ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)

Volume 33, Issue 2, 2014

The article describes the technology of production of dietary ready-to-eat wheat flakes. This method is based on using IR treatment consisting of two steps. This technology enables to get a finished product with perfect sensory characteristics. These flakes are ready-to-eat without any additional culinary treatment.
The original construction of a laboratory drying plant for dehydration of raw material under soft conditions has been designed. The opportunity to intensify food raw material thermal dehydration applying a reversed scheme of using argon as a drying agent with its regeneration and return into the cycle of consequent processing has been determined. A continuous method of drying of subtropical raw material, roots and fish has been suggested based on fulfilled theoretical researches. The experimental research of apple, persimmon, salmon and celery slices drying kinetics has been fulfilled in the drying plant designed by the authors. Kinetic parameters of dehydration of raw materials of plant and animal origin have been determined. The technical result provided by the updated pilot plant is the increase of the finished product quality and the reduction of expenditure of electric energy used for agricultural raw material drying.
Researches on the nature of change of a temperature field and heat removing kinetics have been conducted when cooling the packed carcasses of meat-type chicken with snow-like carbon dioxide placed into the internal cavity. The time of cooling of packed chicken carcasses and the consumption of carbon dioxide have been defined. The optimum sizes of chicken carcasses allowing to place a certain amount of snow-like carbon dioxide into the internal cavity sufficient for achievement of normalized temperature in carcasses have been determined. It has been established that the carbon dioxide consumption decreases when using the method of placing snow-like carbon dioxide into the internal cavity of a chicken carcass.
A device for investigation of rheologic properties of viscoelastic foodstuff media is developed. The device combines advantages of such devices as Formograph and dynamic rheometer, allowing both to define the gelation time and to estimate relations between viscous and elastic properties of foodstuff media.
The influence of ultrasonic treatment on clarification of red wines produced from the grapes of Zagadka Sharova and Zilga is considered in the article. The experiments on using bentonite and bentonite-gelatin complex for clarification of wines produced by different ways have been carried out. It has been established that ultrasonic field can improve the results of bentonite-and-gelatin clarification of wines. The best results have been obtained when clarifying the wines with ferment preparations.
The work is devoted to the technological justification for the use of introduced and local red grape varieties of the Altai territory (2011-2012 harvests) for the Cahor type wine beverages. Grape varieties of early and very early ripening period, having showed satisfactory quality berries, on the basis of several years observations, were selected as objects of study. The aim of this work was to develop production technology for the wine beverage of 16 × 16 Cahors condition. The result of the study was that the local grape varieties can be recommended not only for the production of red semi-sweet wine beverages, but also for the special wine beverages such as Cahors. The proposed technology for wine beverages of Cahors type allowed to make high quality drinks.
The article describes how to use effective methods of X-ray microanalysis on the base of analytical low-vacuum raster electron microscope, JSM-6390LV «JEOL» to study the chemical elements and the microstructure of shredded meat and bone raw materials. The developed method of work using the microscope has allowed to determine the percentage of different elements in the bones of cattle and horses and make the rational choice for their further processing in order to obtain a food additive.
The development of competitive functional foods based on local raw materials is the actual direction of the food industry development in the region. The possibility of enrichment of sugar-centered dragée with raw components of plant origin has been investigated. It has been revealed that when changing the sugar-centered dragée recipe associated with the introduction of the dry plant extracts there happens a change of functional and technological properties of the dragée at the stage of production and creation of new consumer properties of the finished products. The optimum ratios of plant extracts in the recipe of the given dragée taking into account sensory and physico-chemical qualities of finished products have been established. Varying doses of plant extracts based on their mutual influence will allow obtaining sugar-centered dragée with necessary technological properties and finished products of the required quality.
The estimation of quality of fried sausages in modified casings with the profound analysis of their sensory characteristics has been carried out using a descriptive method. Modification of animal sausage casings has been done by their immersing and holding in water extracts of herbs: sage, dogrose, yarrow. The descriptive method allows us to describe the product quality and to define the sizes of distinctions between samples of products applying simple and complex scales. For estimation of sensory characteristics of fried sausages in the modified animal casings the nine-point scale profile method has been used.
The possibility and expediency of developing the waste-free technology of soya-ginger and soya-citrus additives in the meal form used for inclusion into the formula of bread, pastry and bakery products to improve their organoleptic characteristics and to enhance food and biological values were substantiated. The mathematical models of organoleptic evaluation of two types of protein-carbohydrate additives in the form of meal were developed. The models were used to justify the parameters of obtaining the additives.
The analysis of the available electronic databases of the nucleotide sequences of the berries genome are presented. Small sequences appearing in all the berry genomes are selected according to the analysis results. Phylogenetic affinity of the tested specimens is determined.
The researches has been conducted and conditions and modes of process of receiving bread from a triticale flour mixed with wheat one in ratio 60:40 with addition of a panifarin are scientifically proved. It is established that tritikale-white bread with addition of 6 % of panifarin had the highest complex of organoleptic and physic- chemical properties.
Investigated have been bacterial and fungicidal properties of propolis in the form of alcoholature used in smoked sausages production for natural sausage casings processing. The optimum concentration of the studied 6 % preparation that corresponds to a 1:10 dilution has been established. Our results demonstrated inhibition of the microflora growth that causes microbial spoilage of smoked sausages by five times as compared with the control samples and the absence of fungal growth. The method for extending the shelf life of semi-smoked sausages has been suggested.
The article presents the results of a study of the functional properties of grape seed flour from the «Amur» grape variety cultivated on the territory of the Amur region, in order to use it as a functional component in the development of new technology for meat-and-cereal chopped semi-finished products for geriatric nutrition. The study of the functional properties of the grape flour was conducted on laboratory animals. It is proved that increased doses of antioxidants reduce the glucose and cholesterol level in blood plasma, which allows to see the prospects of meat-cereal chopped semi-finished products of functional purpose.
The technology and formula for rich yeast-containing dough using sprouted wheat grain paste is developed. It is established that an optimum additive in a dough is 5-15 % of paste from sprouted wheat grain with simultaneous decrease in yeast content by 15-30 %. Organoleptic, physical and chemical indices of the new type of rich yeasted dough are defined.
The role of microorganisms on the formation of biological stability of various kinds of drinks is shown. An overview of the data of home and foreign literature on the subject of improving traditional methods as well as the availability of modern materials and production techniques used for increasing biological stability of drinks is presented. The results of using a natural hydrocolloid - chitosan - to intensify sedimentation of productive microorganisms when producing fermented beverages to improve traditional production stages ensuring biological stability of finished beverages are shown.
The article deals with the possibility of using Eleutherococcus senticosus as a functional ingredient for the production of a new kind of bakery product of therapeutic-and-preventive action, in particular with adaptogenic effect. The influence of Eleutherococcus senticosus on the quality of raw materials and finished products (rheological properties of the test, organoleptic and physical - chemical indices of the bread) has been determined. The animal model proved the effectiveness of the new kind of bakery product.
The influence of temperature modes for TDF milk acidification on quantitative and qualitative structure of microflora of symbiotic ferment, titrable acidity and organoleptic indicators of experimental samples of the acid-milk drink are investigated in this work. Optimum temperature for TDF milk acidification is established.
The article deals with the results of researches on the improvement of yogurt production technology using the incubation method with a stage of timely and short-term cooling of the formed acid clots. Studied are the thermo-physical properties of acid gels with different chemical composition in the process of their cooling at various temperatures of external cooling medium. The algorithm of successive operations that can accurately determine the time of acid clots cooling needed to achieve the desired temperature at the known conditions of external environment has been developed.
Formation parameters of the technological platform for protein-lipid concentrate («LipKA») from the mixture of whey and skim milk are provided. The value of lipid compound of whey is emphasized. The unicity of casein fines and whey protein complex is shown. The possibility of non-reagent protein complex coagulation, combined with lipid sorption is shown. The target product is characterized by unique composition and attractive peculiar consistency. Clarified whey may be utilized for obtaining lactose (milk sugar) of edible grade. Principles of wasteless technology are realized.
The influence of the functional product - oxygen cocktail based on protein-carbohydrate dietary fiber raw materials on the health status of patients with chronic heart failure is analyzed. Studies have shown expedience of the inclusion of oxygen cocktails into common version diet for cardiac patients to reduce the severity of medication side effects, normalize the digestive process, improve the general well-being of patients.
The article deals with the characteristics of pantohematogen as a natural complex of biologically active substances, and the possibility of its use in sports and medical practice. The effect of dietary supplement «Pantohematogen» and special pantohematogen containing beverages on the activity and functional condition of rowers when incorporated into the diet of sports nutrition has been studied. It has been shown that there are no illegal dope substances or their close analogues in the tested pantohematogen.
Using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermomechanical analysis (TMA) phase transitions of samples of flax, cedar and olive oils in the temperature range of 223-323 K were investigated. The DSC curve of flax oil has 11 phase transitions, initial melting point being 243 K. Cedar oil is characterized by 11 phase transitions and the initial melting temperature of 241 K. Olive oil has 9 phase transitions and is characterized by two-step melting process with maxima at 265 and 273 K.
The functional food ingredients contained in the composition of vegetable oils are described in this article. A classification of vegetable oils, depending on the content of fatty acids in the triglyceride composition is presented. The fatty acid composition of vegetable oils belonging to different groups has been investigated. Expediency of use of vegetable oils as functional ingredients in the production of oil and fat products has been proved.
The method of isolation of nucleic acids from fruit raw materials has been analyzed. The most efficient method of plant DNA isolation from the studied plant raw materials has been chosen. The results revealed the advantages of the method of polymerase chain reaction.
The article deals with the problem of food spoilage caused by various microorganisms. Food packaging is regarded as one of the factors reducing the risk of microbial spoilage. The results of study of the food storage in the obtained antimicrobial food packaging are presented in the article. A study of fungicidal properties of the developed antimicrobial composition based on the cluster silver for food packaging from paper and paperboard was conducted. It is concluded that the developed antimicrobial composition for food packaging prevents spoilage, suppressing the development of microscopic fungi, which ultimately increases the shelf life of food products packed in the obtained antimicrobial packaging.
The working capital cycle, enterprises’ current asset function and occupancy are considered. The definition of «working capital» by various authors is studied. Various economists’ positions are summarized, the wording for this economic category is proposed. During the work on planning resource needs of enterprises great attention is paid to the rationing of working capital and its content per se. Also, an important part of financial analysis is to identify the sources of the current assets. There is an urgent question of finding the optimal ratio in the structure of assets including covering from different sources, which implies the necessity of further research.
In the article the problems of auditor risk assessment and management at the preplanned and planned audit and also during an audit inspection stage are characterized. The article is devoted to the description of an integrated approach to auditor risk management which allows to regulate auditor risk by influencing all private determinants of the general auditor risk. It is shown that application of an integrated approach to the activity of the Kuzbass auditor companies allowed to achieve essential control risk decrease and audit inspection time reduction. The structural and logical scheme of the integrated approach developed by the author to auditor risk management is submitted.