ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Technologies of separation and purification of substances are widely used in those branches of industry where separation of compo- nents from a mix, concentration and obtaining of high-pure substances, water purification and production waste treatment, etc. are required. When organizing a production process special attention is paid to the creation of waste-free technologies and closed pro- duction schemes. Membrane methods are one of the separation and purification technologies for gas and liquid products processing. No phase changes occur when raw materials are processed using membrane methods unlike the cases when widely applied methods are used. Sometimes the membrane methods are not only economic and less power-intensive in comparison with other methods, but often allow a full use of raw materials and energy. Despite their advantages, membrane methods are not widely used in the industry now. The reason is low productivity of the membrane equipment owing to the layer formed on a surface of a membrane, and which contains detained substances, their concentration being higher than that in the main stream. In this regard, the development of the membrane equipment with a decreased layer of the detained substances is an actual task. A new construction of the membrane appa- ratus having an insert consisting of a bearing rod and conic elements has been developed. The thickness of the detained subst ance layer on the membrane is decreased by a hydrodynamic way. Experimental studies of the membrane apparatus when concentrating starch milk show that the new construction is efficient. The created regression model allowed defining the rational values of the tech-nological mode parameters (T = 45 °C, P = 0.25 MPa) for the greatest possible productivity (490∙10-6 m3/(m2 ∙ s)) of the membrane apparatus. It is experimentally determined that the efficiency of the developed membrane apparatus has increased by 1.6 times in comparison with that of a prototype.
Membrane apparatus, concentration, starch milk, technological modes, regression analysis
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