a Biysk Technological Institute
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Higher yields, intensification of harvesting due to the application of new combine harvesters, which enables to expand the range of moisture content of the harvested grain mass, lead to the increase in the rate of grain heap entering the threshing area and to the accumulation of large grain mass in the open area under unregulated conditions. More than half of grain coming from the fields in the Altai territory requires drying; humidity often reaches 25-30%. Moreover, the grain producers themselves have to deal directly with the post-harvest handling and storage who practically do not have grain drying and cleaning equipment and the required number of granaries. Grain storage at the farms requires considerable financial expenses; therefore, not all manufacturers can comply with the necessary technology of grain receiving and processing. The aim of our research is to study the technological properties of wet and crude buckwheat that was stored for a long time before processing into cereals. The study of mechanical properties shows that when the humidity of buckwheat kernel increases by 1.3 times, its deformation increases by 2.2 times. Moreover, after unloading a partial recovery of the samples takes place, then the deformation difference is 2.6 times. It has been found that the increase in buckwheat humidity is associated with loosening of its structure, which leads to changes in its structural, mechanical and as a consequence technological properties. When changing humidity of grain by 4.6%, the grain density decreases by 1.0%. The studies conducted show that humidity greatly affects structural, mechanical and technological properties of buckwheat. To reduce production costs when processing wet and crude buckwheat it is appropriate to use short scheme processing technologies.
mechanical strength,
surface morphology
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