ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


It is known that a balanced diet is the basis of a healthy lifestyle and an important factor of the complex treatment of various diseases. A balanced diet is important in the treatment of such diseases as diabetes, atherosclerosis and glomerulonephritis. The interest to wheat grass juice as a component of healthy nutrition is growing in recent years. The production technology of wheat grass juice with the use of hydroponics has been developed. The effectiveness of ultrasonic preplant treatment of wheat seeds has been shown. Ultrasonic treatment has significantly improved the production efficiency; the average length of sprouts has increased by 35%. The investigation results of the biological activity of wheat grass juice in the models of toxic hepatitis and nephropathy in diabetes type 2 are presented. Acute toxicity and antihypoxic activity of wheat grass juice obtained according to the developed technology have been studied. In the model of toxic hepatitis induced by per os injection of CCl4 to white CD rats it has been found that wheat grass juice has no hepatoprotective activity. It has been shown that the prolonged use of wheat grass juice reduces the vascular permeability of kidney glomeruli of white rats with experimentally induced diabetes type 2. The average life expectancy of white CD mice increases in the model of hypoxic hypoxia when wheat grass juice is used. The mechanism of antihypoxic activity is not clear and requires further investigation. The toxicity of wheat grass juice has been studied. The research results enable to recommend wheat grass juice as a component of healthy diet, and as a part of clinical nutrition in various diseases such as hypoxia, lack of vitamins and minerals.
Hydroponics, production technology, wheat grass juice, biological activity
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