a National University of Food Technologies
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The intensification of mass transfer processes has been considered by the example of the sucrose extraction from beet chips under the influence of low frequency mechanical oscillations on a juice-chips mixture. The formation and the layer movement of the juice-chips mixture have been investigated under the influence of variable force fields that are generated by the rotating blades of the handling system of the column diffuser, and their impact on the filtering ability of the layer, and the degree of juice-chips mixture warming respectively, the rate of sucrose mass transfer. The problem of thickening the layer of juice-chips mixture has been solved, which enables to reveal the influence of several factors on the pressure distribution in the layer and filtering of the extracting agent through the layer of beet chips. The law governing the change in pressure over time for any fixed section of a layer, has been obtained as well as the law of changes in pressure through the layer height for any fixed period of time. The pressure distribution in juice-chips mixture under the influence of the handling systems in various types of devices affects the filtration ability of the beet chips layer and thus forms the temperature fields in the apparatuses. The results of mathematical modeling of the porous medium compression for the wave-like profile of the handling blades of diffusers have been obtained, which cause pulsating low frequency oscillations of juice-chips mixture. This leads to a significant intensification of mass transfer processes. The results of studies are recommended for profiling the working surface of elements of handling systems, and for developing new and modernizing the existing commercial extractors.
beet chips,
juice-chips mixture,
structural and mechanical properties
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