ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


At present, the method of extraction in the field of low frequency mechanical vibrations can be considered as one of the most progressive, but the lack of necessary data hinders its use on commercial scale. The paper contains the research results of the water extraction process of dried nettle and birch leaves in the field of low-frequency mechanical vibrations. The presented extraction method is characterized by a large number of factors having a significant influence on the kinetics and power supply of the process (hydronic, amplitude and frequency of oscillations, the diameter of perforated plate’s holes, extraction time). To identify the impact dependence of these factors on the process is possible only by an experiment. A full factorial experiment 2 5 to receive the necessary amount of data has been carried out. Due to the statistical data processing, we have got experimental-statistical model of the process. The obtained equations show the dependence of the change of main output parameters on the changes of general factors influencing the process. The most important output parameters, which widely characterize the process, are the final concentration of the extract and the efficiency of the process, showing the ratio of the obtained extractive to the amount of power supplied. Because of the mathematical analysis of the obtained equations there we have determined optimum modes of the extraction process within the realization of the condition under which an optimum regime should be considered the one when the maximum possible water extraction concentration is achieved at maximum efficiency of the given method. The results reliability is confirmed by a series of test experiments showing that the deviation of output parameters is not more than 5% of the calculated ones.
Vibration device, extraction, optimization, nettle leaves, birch leaves
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