a JSC NeoKor
b Sochi State University
c Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology(University)
Copyright ©Beznosov et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
In the process of production, it is necessary to control the quality and safety of products. In addition, each manufacturer determines his way of control. In the age of information technologies, modern management calls on producers to analyze not only quality errors but the data collected that allows you to see the frequency of occurrence of certain defects. The proposed project (program) is aimed at automated recording and analysis of quality errors thanks to the use of computer technology and statistical methods, as well as 6 Sigma methodology of modern management. To develop the program the existing and potential causes of bread rejection have been analyzed, and the most common defects have been listed. Based on the data obtained a Microsoft Office Excel defects data processing program has been created. It makes possible to prepare the month and annual reports automatically, eliminating the human factor. As a result recommendations on optimization of the process “Product quality control”, by the example of bread production have been developed. A new form of the final month report which reflects the information on the volume of output in the past month, the number of defects, the frequency of a defect occurrence, as well as a defect-free level according to the “6 Sigma” methodology has been developed. A sub-process “Analysis and reporting” has been automated with the help of a computer technology. To test the program a list of shortcomings and defects in groups of bread defects has been formed and ranked.
product quality,
recording of errors,
information technology,
6 Sigma
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