ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Inorganic iodine compounds allowed for the enrichment of food products do not always provide the necessary concentration of iodine, the stability and the uniformity of the distribution, often change color and flavor characteristics of the product. More promising, thermostable, chemically inert in this respect is “Iodine casein” organic iodine compound which is biologically active additive, developed by LLC “Medbiopharm” (Obninsk, Kaluga region). “Iodine casein” is a major milk protein containing iodine atoms. Iodine is included into the list of micronutrients recommended for enrichment of confectionery. It is for the first time that the results of studies on the use of “Iodine casein” in marshmallow production technology have been presented. Three recipes of marshmallow with agar for different age and gender groups of the population have been developed. Dosages of “Iodine casein” calculated for each recipe, were accordingly (mg/kg product): 19.5; 64.9; 15.6. Studies of organoleptic, physical and chemical parameters of the finished marshmallow were carried out according to standardized methods. The concentrations of iodine have been determined in the laboratory of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Omsk region by the method of cathodic stripping voltammetry. It was found that all parameters of the enriched marshmallow conformed to the requirements of GOST 6441 and did not differ from the control sample (without additives). The iodine content in all samples of marshmallow conformed to the calculated values, loss of the additive in the production process was not observed. Two pieces of marshmallow: “Vanil'naya -Iodine+” and “Detskaya - Iodine +” contained about 50% of the recommended daily norm of iodine consumption. The iodine content in the 2 pieces of marshmallow: “Vanil'naya - Iodine+ (Forte)” was approximately the daily norm of consumption for pregnant and lactating women. Marshmallow enriched with “Iodine casein” is a product that can be recommended for the prevention of iodine deficiency disorders.
Iodine, “Iodine casein” additive, enriched marshmallow, consumption norm, quality indices
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