a Technological Institute of Service (branch), Don State Technical University
b Institute of Construction, Transport and Engineering, North Caucasus Federal University
Copyright ©Babenyshev et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
The need to organize waste-free use of recyclable milk raw is due to its adverse environmental effects when released as part of waste water and the presence in it of valuable food components, which can be used in main production. The most promising method for carrying out complex processing of whey is based on the use of high-molecular liquid poly-disperse system ultrafiltration. However, the permeability of polymeric membranes recommended for use in the food industry, leading to the related equipment performance is not high enough. This is the main factor that prevents the dairy industry from the widespread adoption of this method. The working hypothesis of the research is as follows: the effectiveness of baromembrane separation of recyclable milk raw material (quark whey) increases via pre-cleaning of systems undergoing separation from proteins with natural polysaccharides, the source of which is the extract of Jerusalem artichoke tubers. Analysis of the results obtained confirmed the validity of the hypothesis. Adding stevia components into quark whey may improve organoleptic characteristics of the latter, enrich the composition of food and change the physical - chemical properties of the whey as the object to ultrafiltration. Technology of quark whey processing based of its composition modification through the addition of the natural plant sweetener (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) components, and its subsequent ultrafiltration improves the efficiency of using this type of recyclable milk raw materials in food production.
membrane technology,
membrane process efficiency,
natural polysaccharides
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