ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Preservation and promotion of health, prevention of diseases caused by defective and unbalanced nutrition are the basis of the Russian state policy in the field of healthy nutrition for the period until 2020. To achieve this goal food products enriched with essential components, including dietary fibers are developed. In this article the use of broiler meat as the main ingredient formulation is justified, vegetable supplement - oat bran of "Compass Health" company containing dietary fiber is chosen and studied. Functional - technological and organoleptic factors of minced meat models with different amount of vegetable supplements are investigated. As a result, optimum dose of their introduction was established, and broiler meat product formulation with the increased content of dietary fiber was developed. Optimum regimes of thermal processing of semi-finished products using steam convection ovens and cold treatment regimes of the finished product in the "shock" freezing chambers are selected. Thermal responses of a new product are studied, and a period of its freezing is calculated with the help of Planck radiation formula. As a result, the manufacturing technology of a broiler meat functional product was offered. The developed product is characterized by high organoleptic profiles such as juiciness, pleasant smell and taste, smooth texture, as well as high yield of finished product. The product contains dietary fiber 3.6 g per serving, thus meeting the daily need of 18% in this foodstuff.
Functional product, broiler meat, dietary fiber, formulation, technology
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