ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Nowadays, an important part of the world food problem is a shortage of protein in the diet. This is a complicated problem, the significance of which is related to the special role of protein in a human life. The negative dynamics of protein value changes in the human diet is associated with both quantitative protein deficiency and a gradual reduction of its biological value. In accordance with the problem of protein deficiency in the population diet the amino acid composition has been studied and biological value of unique and worldwide recognized culture of quinoa ( Chenopodium quinoa ) has been calculated. The study used the white quinoa seeds grown under the agro-climatic conditions of Krasnodar territory of 2015 harvest. It has been stated that the amino acid composition of quinoa seeds is presented by all essential amino acids. The calculated indices of the biological value, such as the ratio of amino acid differences, rationality coefficient of amino acid composition, protein efficiency ratio and the index of essential amino acids, showed the advantage of the protein value of quinoa seeds compared with the main crops (wheat, corn, and rice). The daily norm of proteins and essential amino acids for primary school children and adults consuming 100 grams of quinoa seeds has also been calculated. It has been found that when using 100g of quinoa the daily norm in essential amino acids for adults in phenylalanine only is covered by 74.3%, and norms of the remaining amino acids are covered completely, and for primary school children the daily norm of essential amino acids is covered by an average of 80% and the most deficient lysine is covered completely.
Quinoa seeds, biological value, protein, essential amino acids
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