ISSN 2074-9414 (Print),
ISSN 2313-1748 (Online)


Mathematical modeling is an integral part of modern scientific research. A mathematical model represents an effective tool of knowledge of a real object and makes it possible to determine its characteristics, to assess performance quality indices, to search for an optimum structure and parameters of the object. Mathematical modeling is applied to various processes taking place when processing food materials e.g. mechanical processes, heat-exchange, mass-exchange, membrane processes, etc. Their efficiency indices - selectivity and specific capacity (permeability), as a rule, are the basis of mathematical model of membrane conversion processes. In many respects, decrease in these indices is caused by the phenomenon of “concentrated polarization” which is connected with the accumulation of the layer of detained substances on a membrane surface. One of the effective methods to decrease the influence of this phenomenon is to remove a diffusion layer, which allows membrane processes to be intensified. Modeling of apparatus and equipment is one of the main stages of introduction of processing equipment in the production process. The simplicity of modeling methods reduces the start-up time of the processing line that, in turn, allows accelerating profit earning. Membrane filtration is carried out in the apparatus, which are built up into plants. Various signs can be used to classify the plants. The most widespread one is classification by process organization. According to this classification, one-stage and multistage, direct-flow and circulating plants are distinguished. The analysis of membrane plant schemes based on standard apparatus with filtrate removing has been carried out. The options of membrane plants including membrane apparatus with diffusion layer removing are offered. Program complexes allowing us to make rational configuration of membrane plants of continuous operation have been developed.
Membrane apparatus, diffusion boundary layer, program complex, technological parameters, whey
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